Resurrecting The Badges? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Resurrecting The Badges?


The Intra-Dimensional Felinians R Coming 2 Save Us
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Apr 29, 2007
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Beam Me Up Outa Here!
I suspect in xenforo, it might be more trouble than it's worth.. but will ask anyway.

Over the years, lots of us competed hard in the MM tournaments and "Best Of Category" competitions. In a way those little graphics really were "Badges Of Honor." (or "Honour" for our fish and chips or poutine eating members).

Totally understandable if bringing them back presents too much of a hassle or unnecessary work, if it's even possible at all. But if it is feasible/relatively easy and it turns out that with all the hustle and bustle of running the site, the inclusion of this feature fell through the cracks, I just thought I'd bring it up.

I just noticed the badges have returned. I remember you guys gave me that Game Day General badge as a show of thanks for doing the game threads, and it was lost during the forum transfer.

If it's no big deal you think I could have it back? :biggrin
I just noticed the badges have returned. I remember you guys gave me that Game Day General badge as a show of thanks for doing the game threads, and it was lost during the forum transfer.

If it's no big deal you think I could have it back? :biggrin
You will get nothing and like it :cigar
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