7/30/2015 Ross Transcript | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

7/30/2015 Ross Transcript


Onion Fetish
Club Member
Dec 11, 2001
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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Chairman of the Board/Managing General Partner Stephen M. Ross

(On his thoughts and his reaction to New England Patriots QB Tom Brady having his suspension upheld and how NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell handled it) “I have a lot of confidence in Roger (Goodell) and the league office. I’ve dealt with him, as you know with a little controversy not too long ago and they’re very objective. I don’t have all of the facts, I don’t think any of us really have all of the facts, but I think the league takes everything into consideration and I have a lot of faith in what the league rules. When it happens to you, everybody is always upset, it’s a natural reaction. I have a lot of confidence that the league has done the right thing. They have the facts and I think Roger (Goodell) tries to treat everybody fairly.”

(On what his message to the players was today) “It was really more or less, I was picking up on their enthusiasm. You could feel it, you could sense it and, as I’ve told you before, my role as an owner is to put them in a position to win and do everything we possibly can. We’ve done a lot of things here, people have followed this team for a while, most of you, and you’ve seen a lot of change. We’re looking to win and be best in class, and I think our players sense that and it really kind of generates itself around this whole environment here.”

(On his thoughts on how the renovations are going with the stadium) “It’s gone well and we’ll be ready for the opening games. It might be for the preseason games a little ‘Please excuse our dust.’ But basically it’ll be in great shape, certainly for the start of the season, what we anticipated and mapped out what we would do this year and what would be completed the next offseason. I think we’re right on schedule and pretty close to budget.”

(On if he’s anticipating receiving one the next two Super Bowl bids) “I would hope so. When you see what we’ve done, I don’t think there’s a stadium in the country that really could compete with us and it’s going to be state of the art. It’s Florida, everyone wants to be here, you’re going to be coming off the (Super Bowl) in Minneapolis, is that the game that’s the previous one before they award the next game? And I would think they would be ready for a little warm weather. You would hope. You would think. (laughing)”

(On what his goal is for this season) – “It’s winning.”

(On if winning means, playoffs and Super Bowl) – “All of the above.”

(On how much pressure is on this team to win now given the amount of big name free agents they acquired this past spring) – “On the players? They came here because they want to win. Players have options and they want to be with organizations that they know are committed to winning. With them, it’s not all about the money, it’s really being in a place that they feel comfortable, that they can excel. They’re all here to win. That’s the reason why I own the team. I want a winning team. I don’t think the pressure is any different. It’s a team sport, so they’re all engaged together as a team and I think you can see it and you can feel it. You guys have interviewed a lot of these guys already and I think you’ll see it as training camp goes along.”

(On every team saying these positive things this time of year, and how does he really know if it will be different this year) – “Absolutely. You wouldn’t attract the players we did if they didn’t feel that way. That says it all. I think our roster, since I’ve been here, has never been as good. We’ve attracted players – everybody can talk the talk, but these guys have a lot of options. Certainly we got the best, I think we had a great free agent and I think our draft was great. You’ve got to be excited when you have that kind of situation.”

(On if he is getting antsy for winning results given all of the spending on free agents, stadium, sports science) – “You’re goddamn right.”

(On how much he hopes this year is the payoff given all of the patience he’s shown with this regime) – “I’m expecting it.”

(On if that sense of urgency has been conveyed to Head Coach Joe Philbin) – “He expects it.”

(On if there has been a change in narrative from him that’s trickled down and has the staff and players speaking openly about their winning goals this year) – “We’ve done an awful lot. You can look at every single area. We’ve made changes. We’ve thought outside the box. We’re looking to be the best in class. You can see the players that we’ve attracted, what they expect and you put it all together, that’s what makes winning teams.”

(On if it is fair to say that Head Coach Joe Philbin has to make to the playoffs this year) – “He’s expecting to make it and I’m expecting to make it.”

(On if he’s told Head Coach Joe Philbin that he has to make the playoffs this year) – “We’re all looking to win. He’s expecting to win.”

(On his thoughts on QB Ryan Tannehill going forward) – “Ryan has all of the ingredients to be an elite quarterback. If you look at his performance, he’s gotten better every single year. I think with the tools he has around him now, he will continue to get better and I think you’ll see that with our wins and losses. You’ve got to start with the quarterback. I can’t think of a better person, a guy with the talent, the brains and the athletic ability combined to really lead this team.”

(On if this is the best place the team has been in or if the team was better at this time last year) – “When you look at this team and you look at the roster, I think everybody looks at it as saying, ‘Hey, this is the best roster you’ve seen in Miami in many years. I think our season ticket sales are up, there’s a lot of excitement in the city, what we’ve done. Tom Garfinkel has done an incredible job. I think it’s reflected already by how people are feeling about this team and what people are writing about. Maybe not you guys (joking).”

(On how much excitement is related to the stadium) – “In being successful in any business, it’s handling all of the details in every aspect of it. So I think yes the fans want to go to a place where it’s more comfortable, their experience is enhanced and that’s what we’ve done. I think, when you see it, though it all won’t be there this year, you’ll get a good idea, you’ve seen the tapes, you’ve been in the rooms, it’s pretty exciting. It doesn’t exist anywhere. People are buying tickets, buying suites, paying money that no one would have expected that they would have. We’ve really kind of changed the whole way that people look at stadiums. I think we’re the model of what a stadium should be. Miami is getting really a brand new stadium.”

(On if there has been any communication with University of Miami about them leaving Sun Life Stadium down the line) – “They have a long term contract and I expect them to live up to that contract.”

(On if this is still a ‘Dolphins town’ and what he makes of some of the talk that the Heat have taken over) – “If you just look at our sales and how the fans are responding to that and the excitement. I think the Heat is a different organization now that LeBron James isn’t there. I think the Dolphins are a team that’s kind of capturing the imagination over the whole entire fan base here in South Florida.”

(On how disappointed he would be if the team fails to reach his expectations) – “Obviously, I would be disappointed, I would be very disappointed. Right now, all you worry about is you do everything you can to be in a position to win. When you don’t, you’ll face it then and what do we have to do to win. I bought a team for one purpose is creating a winner and doing it in a manner that we’re consistent and we’re competitive every single year. That’s been the approach. The players we’ve signed, we sign to long-term contracts. We didn’t sign a lot of older free agents, we signed younger free agents that have a lot of playing left.”

(On his level of involvement right now compared to past years) – “I’m probably more involved now. It takes a while to really get the real feel of how it works in owning a football team. It is different than anything else that I’ve experienced. But I’m definitely more involved with it now and really pushing to really (push) the envelop to be best in class, looking at new ideas and I think you see them.”

(On if they are making the advancements needed in order for the team not to breakdown as it did last year) – “Yes. (Director of Sports Performance) Wayne Diesel has brought an awful lot to this organization and his whole attitude towards it and I think the players sense it. It really speaks for itself, we’ll know at the end of the season what we didn’t do; if in fact we’re not successful.”

(On what went into agreeing to a home game in London against the New York Jets and if he has any regrets in agreeing to do it) – “No, basically it gives us more time to deal with the stadium issues and really get the stadium complete. Also we have about a four week time where we won’t be playing the stadium so we can do things to get ready because we have a tight time schedule and we want it to be 100 percent complete for 2016 season.”

(On the use of the team’s logo on the HBO series ‘Ballers’) – “I saw one episode, I wasn’t overwhelmed by it to say the least, but I’ve heard nothing. What’s really crazy is how they’re trying to glamorize or make something about football that is not really real life. You haven’t heard much about it from the fans, you haven’t seen much. I don’t think the show is going too far.”

(On if he knows his name is used a lot in the show) – I know my name is used. I’ve only seen the first show where they thank Mr. Ross for signing this guy.”

(On if the show is supposed to get permission to use logos) – “We’re having conversations. It’s noted, let’s put it that way.”

(On if he feels he has achieved all of the goals that they set out to do this offseason) – “I can look back at it and see the players that we have, you can see the roster and the way we had to improve and I think we did things there and we’ve upgraded ourselves at every position that we had to. Certainly there are some positions that we have to develop some players that are on the roster today to really capitalize on all of the other good things that we’ve done. I don’t think any team ever enters a season where they have really satisfied everything and are ready to roll, you need to develop players, that’s what it’s all about and that’s what the coaching staff is all about. We have a great nucleus to really work with.”

(On a fan at the beginning of practice shouting “You’re my favorite owner” and if there is a difference in sentiment from years past or if he noticed that fans are more supportive) – “I think early in the season I’ve always heard that (laughing).”

(On if he would entertain a buyout from the University of Miami to get out of their lease) – “Yes, if the number is right. Certainly. I don’t see that happening.”

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