Did we win enough to earn a Monday Night Football game? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Did we win enough to earn a Monday Night Football game?


Pro Bowler
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
What are the chances we get a Monday Night Football game this year? Maybe 2?
Probably one MNF game...I'd say against the Jets. Definitely not SNF.

Actually scratch that - Jets won't be interesting enough. Maybe against the Pats then.
We better get a least one MNF game this year!

It would be a true shame to be shut out two years in a row. Especially when you consider we're one of the premiere franchises in the league when featured and helped make MNF the behemoth that it is today.

Only other teams that have been more successful than us when showcased are the 49ers, and the Cowboys, both with 43 wins respectfully. We have 40 wins, tied with the Steelers.

It was blasphemous we didn't appear at all last year even with our declining status as one of the upper echelon teams. Still, we are the Miami Dolphins, and while not must see TV as of late, we're most certainly a pioneer of the sport and should be treated as such.
I hope not...

I hate waiting until Sunday/Monday night...

Rather have all the games at 1 pm Sunday...
I think it depends what the buzz is from free agency.
If they insist on having another Prime Time game,other than Monday.....I'd trade the Thursday Nighter for a Saturday Nighter in a heartbeat!!! I'm sure that I'm the minority here though. I just feel a Saturday Nighter leading to Sundays Games would be more intense. Just my opinion though.....
I think every team will have at least 1 primetime game. And they'll probably end up having us play the Bills on thursday night again sadly.
I'm not sure that we beat enough quality opponents last year to qualify for a Monday Night game this year.

In 2010 they gave us 2 Monday night games and we were embarrassed in both. Not sure they are ready to jump back on board just yet.

Maybe the Miami at Indy game could be setup to be attractive enough. And it was a close game last year.

We have alot of Monday Night wins, but we also have alot of losses and near the top in appearances. Nothing in the NFL is a given.

And we have lost 6 of the last 7 on Monday night. No thanks.

Games involving Miami (games on Mon):

1970 season: Week 11 Mon Nov 30 1970 at Atl Miami 20, Atlanta 7
1971 season: Week 11 Mon Nov 29 1971 at Mia Miami 34, Chicago 3
1972 season: Week 11 Mon Nov 27 1972 at Mia Miami 31, StL Cardinals 10
1973 season: Week 5 Mon Oct 15 1973 at Cle Miami 17, Cleveland 9
1973 season: Week 12 Mon Dec 3 1973 at Mia Miami 30, Pittsburgh 26
1974 season: Week 4 Mon Oct 7 1974 at Mia Miami 21, NY Jets 17
1974 season: Week 12 Mon Dec 2 1974 at Mia Miami 24, Cincinnati 3
1975 season: Week 1 Mon Sep 22 1975 at Mia Oakland 31, Miami 21
1975 season: Week 11 Mon Dec 1 1975 at Mia Miami 20, New England 7
1976 season: Week 1 Mon Sep 13 1976 at Buf Miami 30, Buffalo 21
1976 season: Week 11 Mon Nov 22 1976 at Mia Bal Colts 17, Miami 16
1977 season: Week 12 Mon Dec 5 1977 at Mia Miami 17, Bal Colts 6
1978 season: Week 6 Mon Oct 9 1978 at Mia Miami 21, Cincinnati 0
1978 season: Week 12 Mon Nov 20 1978 at HoO Hou Oilers 35, Miami 30
1978 season: Week 16 Mon Dec 18 1978 at Mia Miami 23, New England 3
1979 season: Week 6 Mon Oct 8 1979 at Oak Oakland 13, Miami 3
1979 season: Week 10 Mon Nov 5 1979 at Mia Hou Oilers 9, Miami 6
1980 season: Week 8 Mon Oct 27 1980 at NYJ NY Jets 17, Miami 14
1980 season: Week 14 Mon Dec 8 1980 at Mia Miami 16, New England 13 (OT)
1981 season: Week 6 Mon Oct 12 1981 at Buf Buffalo 31, Miami 21
1981 season: Week 13 Mon Nov 30 1981 at Mia Miami 13, Philadelphia 10
1982 season: Week 4 Mon Nov 29 1982 at TB Tampa Bay 23, Miami 17
1982 season: Week 8 Mon Dec 27 1982 at Mia Miami 27, Buffalo 10
1983 season: Week 3 Mon Sep 19 1983 at Rai LA Raiders 27, Miami 14
1983 season: Week 13 Mon Nov 28 1983 at Mia Miami 38, Cincinnati 14
1984 season: Week 3 Mon Sep 17 1984 at Buf Miami 21, Buffalo 17
1984 season: Week 13 Mon Nov 26 1984 at Mia Miami 28, NY Jets 17
1984 season: Week 16 Mon Dec 17 1984 at Mia Miami 28, Dallas 21
1985 season: Week 6 Mon Oct 14 1985 at NYJ NY Jets 23, Miami 7
1985 season: Week 13 Mon Dec 2 1985 at Mia Miami 38, Chicago 24
1985 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 16 1985 at Mia Miami 30, New England 27
1986 season: Week 10 Mon Nov 10 1986 at Cle Cleveland 26, Miami 16
1986 season: Week 12 Mon Nov 24 1986 at Mia Miami 45, NY Jets 3
1986 season: Week 16 Mon Dec 22 1986 at Mia New England 34, Miami 27
1987 season: Week 12 Mon Dec 7 1987 at Mia Miami 37, NY Jets 28
1987 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 28 1987 at Mia New England 24, Miami 10
1988 season: Week 11 Mon Nov 14 1988 at Mia Buffalo 31, Miami 6
1988 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 12 1988 at Mia Miami 38, Cleveland 31
1990 season: Week 11 Mon Nov 19 1990 at Mia LA Raiders 13, Miami 10
1991 season: Week 12 Mon Nov 18 1991 at Mia Buffalo 41, Miami 27
1991 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 9 1991 at Mia Miami 37, Cincinnati 13
1992 season: Week 2 Mon Sep 14 1992 at Cle Miami 27, Cleveland 23
1992 season: Week 11 Mon Nov 16 1992 at Mia Buffalo 26, Miami 20
1992 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 14 1992 at Mia Miami 20, LA Raiders 7
1993 season: Week 5 Mon Oct 4 1993 at Mia Miami 17, Washington 10
1993 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 13 1993 at Mia Pittsburgh 21, Miami 20
1993 season: Week 17 Mon Dec 27 1993 at SD San Diego 45, Miami 20
1994 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 12 1994 at Mia Miami 45, Kansas City 28
1995 season: Week 3 Mon Sep 18 1995 at Mia Miami 23, Pittsburgh 10
1995 season: Week 12 Mon Nov 20 1995 at Mia San Francisco 44, Miami 20
1995 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 11 1995 at Mia Miami 13, Kansas City 6
1996 season: Week 4 Mon Sep 23 1996 at Ind Indianapolis 10, Miami 6
1996 season: Week 13 Mon Nov 25 1996 at Mia Pittsburgh 24, Miami 17
1996 season: Week 16 Mon Dec 16 1996 at Mia Miami 16, Buffalo 14
1997 season: Week 9 Mon Oct 27 1997 at Mia Chicago 36, Miami 33 (OT)
1997 season: Week 12 Mon Nov 17 1997 at Mia Miami 30, Buffalo 13
1997 season: Week 17 Mon Dec 22 1997 at Mia New England 14, Miami 12
1998 season: Week 6 Mon Oct 12 1998 at Jac Jacksonville 28, Miami 21
1998 season: Week 12 Mon Nov 23 1998 at NE New England 26, Miami 23
1998 season: Week 16 Mon Dec 21 1998 at Mia Miami 31, Denver 21
1999 season: Week 1 Mon Sep 13 1999 at Den Miami 38, Denver 21
1999 season: Week 4 Mon Oct 4 1999 at Mia Buffalo 23, Miami 18
1999 season: Week 16 Mon Dec 27 1999 at Mia NY Jets 38, Miami 31
2000 season: Week 8 Mon Oct 23 2000 at NYJ NY Jets 40, Miami 37 (OT)
2001 season: Week 13 Mon Dec 10 2001 at Mia Miami 41, Indianapolis 6
2002 season: Week 9 Mon Nov 4 2002 at GB Green Bay 24, Miami 10
2002 season: Week 14 Mon Dec 9 2002 at Mia Miami 27, Chicago 9
2003 season: Week 8 Mon Oct 27 2003 at SD Miami 26, San Diego 10 at Tempe, AZ
2003 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 15 2003 at Mia Philadelphia 34, Miami 27
2004 season: Week 8 Mon Nov 1 2004 at NYJ NY Jets 41, Miami 14
2004 season: Week 15 Mon Dec 20 2004 at Mia Miami 29, New England 28
2006 season: Week 16 Mon Dec 25 2006 at Mia NY Jets 13, Miami 10
2007 season: Week 12 Mon Nov 26 2007 at Pit Pittsburgh 3, Miami 0
2009 season: Week 2 Mon Sep 21 2009 at Mia Indianapolis 27, Miami 23
2009 season: Week 5 Mon Oct 12 2009 at Mia Miami 31, NY Jets 27
2010 season: Week 4 Mon Oct 4 2010 at Mia New England 41, Miami 14
2011 season: Week 1 Mon Sep 12 2011 at Mia New England 38, Miami 24
2011 season: Week 6 Mon Oct 17 2011 at NYJ NY Jets 24, Miami 6

Primary team Miami: 40-38
Points for Miami: 1749
Points against Miami: 1588

I'm sure we are good for a crappy thursday nite game. As for a sunday/monday nite game, it will probably depend on who we add to the team in free agency.
The team will play on Thursday night, that is a given as part of the NFL's new schedule system. Hopefully it is a home game and not another away game.

As for MNF or even SNF, I think a lot depends on what this team looks like after the free agency period. If Miami lands Percy Harvin, Greg Jennings, Mike Wallace or Wes Welker I think the odds increase drastically.
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