Dynasties Easier in Current Times? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dynasties Easier in Current Times?

SF Dolphin Fan

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May 27, 2005
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Had an interesting conversation with a buddy about the Patriots and we started talking about dynasties. His theory, and I tend to agree after the discussion, is that it's easier to have a dynasty in the salary cap era. Here's a few points we discussed.
  • While the salary cap was designed to be an equalizer, players want to go to teams that are winning and will sign for less to be on a team that can win a super bowl.
  • Teams with losing records have to overpay to get talent, which can create salary cap problems.
  • A team that is maybe a player or two away can get a proven talent in free agency something that didn't exist for teams prior to the salary cap. Prior to the salary cap, teams had to either draft or trade for those players and we all know the draft can be very uncertain.
  • Even though free agency exists, the top players (i.e. Peyton Manning's, Tom Brady's etc.) never hit the market. So if a team has those type of players it is almost assured they will remain with that team.
Of course, a team still has to draft very well to make up for those constant loses that free agency brings. But teams that are able to do that and manage the cap have been very successful - Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New England come to mind.

Just wanted to throw it out there to see what other people think.
Some of the points against your point
1)You can sign more than 1 top 5 players in 1 team before. as their was no cap you can sign LT and Barber to the same team.check out the 1972 dolphins they had 3 tremendous RB and a OL which has played together for years to have a dorminate running team.check the new dolphins every year a rb and a whole OL rebuild is killing it.
2)With no top level team with unlimited money if you have a top lever QB and WR then you have to have cheaper option on OL and RB. their is a big trade off.
3)According to CBA 1st rd pick before 16 sign for 6 yrs and then 5 .In rd 2 it goes down to 4 and 3 yrs .so you cannot retain any talent in the later rounds as people before FA all the time.
4)The avg NFL team turns over 18 players a year .Now compare it to the steelers where 22 starters were the same over the dynasty era.
ex their is only 4 players from NE 01 team. if they would have won the SB their were 49 players who were not their in 01. so its entirly different team.Its very very hard to build 3-4 teams in a short span then 1 team and keep them together.
5)If your pt that is very easy to build successfull teams again and again in a short span then why is all the team not stink.
6)With so much rooster turn over how can any develop chemistry.look at petyon and harrison. they stayed together alot to develop such a chemistry but how can you claim that is not needed.
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