MergedX2: Taylor a "progress stopper" in Miami | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MergedX2: Taylor a "progress stopper" in Miami


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Feb 19, 2008
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Mahtomedi MN
Just read a blog on ESPN where Ireland is concerned that JT could be a progress stopper for our younger


"You have to look at every possible situation at this time of the year," Ireland said. "Our level of interest, I'm not going to tell you where it's at right now, but I would say that you have to look at all these things.
"But with players in particular like Jason -- he's going to be 35 in September -- you have to look at whether veteran players are progress-stoppers for younger players."

I tend agree with this, but he could also enhance their learning curve. It seems however that as much as our players are lobbying for it, the front office has no immediate plans to sign JT. IMO we will be drafting a pass rusing OLB in the first two rounds and with the signing of Cameron Wake they may not think they need to sign JT as an upgrade.
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I think you should have put a question mark on the thread title because it is a little misleading in regards to what Ireland said and even the title of the article.

With the way we rotated players last year, I really doubt that Taylor would be a progress stopper to any of them. Not only that but the techniques he could teach them might even accelerate their progress.

I remember an article from last year where Sparano mentioned how he wanted Jake Long to learn from Taylor because of what he can teach him in regards to defending the pass rushers in the league. Charlie Anderson also wanted to learn from Taylor as well as Quentin Moses. Who knows what he can teach someone like Cam Wake about the nuaces of the NFL game that goes beyond what the coaches can show him.
the fact that he's not revealing Miami's position on this issue says that something is going on. They are trying to get him at a cheap price. If they weren't in the hunt, he would just say that they aren't and that's it.
I am hoping he gives us a home town discount, he already said it wasn't about the money and that he would like to play in Miami again.
I think you should have put a question mark on the thread title because it is a little misleading in regards to what Ireland said and even the title of the article.

With the way we rotated players last year, I really doubt that Taylor would be a progress stopper to any of them. Not only that but the techniques he could teach them might even accelerate their progress.

I remember an article from last year where Sparano mentioned how he wanted Jake Long to learn from Taylor because of what he can teach him in regards to defending the pass rushers in the league. Charlie Anderson also wanted to learn from Taylor as well as Quentin Moses. Who knows what he can teach someone like Cam Wake about the nuaces of the NFL game that goes beyond what the coaches can show him.

I somewhat agree, but teaching is what we hire the best coaches for and there is no replacement for playing time and expierence, and that is the problem signing JT poses. Do you play the more talented expierenced guy (Taylor) in favor of the younger guys to win now or play the young guys with the hope that they perform and improve for the future? This is the difficulty of rebuilding in the NFL especially after having what seems to be a break through season.
Sorry to ask, but, did you not see the trhread with almost the exact title of yours?

Sorry man came checked when I went to post thread and nothing was there and right when I posted guy did the same at same time. Thats the way it goes I guess tried my best to not create same thread but article was only out for 13 minutes when I read it.
I think you should have put a question mark on the thread title because it is a little misleading in regards to what Ireland said and even the title of the article.

With the way we rotated players last year, I really doubt that Taylor would be a progress stopper to any of them. Not only that but the techniques he could teach them might even accelerate their progress.

I remember an article from last year where Sparano mentioned how he wanted Jake Long to learn from Taylor because of what he can teach him in regards to defending the pass rushers in the league. Charlie Anderson also wanted to learn from Taylor as well as Quentin Moses. Who knows what he can teach someone like Cam Wake about the nuaces of the NFL game that goes beyond what the coaches can show him.

I just don't see Moses and Anderson being big producers for us. They had all last year to learn from the coaches and they hardly ever got on the field. Now letting Cameron Wake learn on the field may be a different story. We know what he did in the CFL but will it carry over to the NFL, I am hoping it will but who knows. I would much rather have JT on the roster than Moses which would allow not only defensive but offensive players to learn from him as well.
I somewhat agree, but teaching is what we hire the best coaches for and there is no replacement for playing time and expierence, and that is the problem signing JT poses. Do you play the more talented expierenced guy (Taylor) in favor of the younger guys to win now or play the young guys with the hope that they perform and improve for the future? This is the difficulty of rebuilding in the NFL especially after having what seems to be a break through season.
Coaches can only teach so much with the time they have because of the number of players they have to deal with and the other responsibilities they have. It's like last year when Pennington arrived and you have veteran players like Justin Smiley talking about how Chad taught him how to watch and break down film.
At 35 years old, Taylor will not be an every down player as he was just two years ago so the younger players will receive more than their fair share of playing time.
I think JT would help the learning curve, guys who cant seem to get over that road block like Roth.
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