Question about Televised Fins Games? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Question about Televised Fins Games?


Class Clown
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Club Member
Feb 26, 2004
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New Jersey
Last week i asked if anyone could confirm wether or not the Dolphins games were televised in Naples, Florida... and a person replied saying; he drives down from the Tampa area to Ft. Myers to watch the Pre-Season games... and added that he thought the games would be televised in the Naples area... Can anyone HELP me out and confirm if the Fins games are on TV EVERYWEEK in Naples!!! Please Help???? and thanks again!!!
Ibelieve that the person you were talking about meant that the regular season games are on but pre season games are not. A lot of the time Pre-season games are rarely televised outside of the south florida area. I used to live in Port St. Lucie and I think that is about as far north as they go with dolphins pre season games... yo should get the regular season games though.

Don't quote me on this stuff though...
You will get some pre season games and if you have NFL network you can see them all.As far as regular season goes only one each of the last two years have not been televised because of the Tampa games.Last year it was only the San Fran game that was not on.
i live in Fort Myers, which is like 10 minutes north of Naples, we get every pre season and regular season game on either a local channel or during the season CBS has to show the phins game this far south it's in their contract, they actually break the feed for the nationally televised game to show the phins game. and if you don't get the game for some freak reason at your house just go to any bar, they all have the NFL ticket. basically you will always have an option to watch the game so don't worry about it
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