"Spranstedt 2.0" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"Spranstedt 2.0"


The Voice
Jul 24, 2005
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Calabasas, CA
A year ago i threaded that this was not the guy, but the 2nd Wannstedt. vilified, cursed, threatened, harassed, and pretty much told not to post anymore. not scared. these are his coaches. his guys. yeah players make mistakes, but coaches coach mistakes too. specials have been the 'broken leg' of this team since Westy got shoved out. Nolan can be effective, but Ireland ain't helping him. DH is BP... and BP has left the building. Ireland won't help him either. keeps preaching acorns, but only picks up road apples. and lest ye think Boss Ross is going to stand on this hand, i suggest you not blink. not after tonight. not with Cowher gettin itchy and Carl hangin at the penthouse.

(btw, Brady threw for a buck-50-3?...Moss didn't catch a ball...and we still got our azz's handed to us on national tv!)
Wannstadt's team's have nothing in common with today's team. Wannstadt's teams had tough lines & tough D ... never could get a QB or WRs. Knocked hell out of the other teams & couldn't score points.

I think folks are questioning football knowledge ... & now you're bragging about it again? What are your football points & analysis for this comparison?
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