The Honest Truth | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Honest Truth


The Future
Apr 6, 2004
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West Palm
For the past couple of weeks now we have all been reading all this, were doomed and that the fate of Miami is destined to crash. I know that this board has die hard Phin fans that are honest with themselves on what they think and not others thoughts. I enjoy reading all the great info on Miami and all the great things happing to the team. Every now and then i enjoy some bad news adds to the drama of the team :D . From a fan to many other fans I want the honest truth on how you feel Miami will do this season. This season will be one to remember reguardless above or below .500, advancing or left in the cold from the playoffs, winning or losing the AFC championship, or even superbowl. THere are some excellent posters here and I would love to read what you have to say about the future of this team :)
The dolphins will amaze, surprise, and down right play there asses off this year! We will atleast make it to the afc champ. game(dare i say sb?) and we will all be the happiest bunch of SOB's for awile.

And yes...........i will bring back to life all the doom and gloomers posts that we are reading latley so they can eat some crow.

Thers a big difference between WANTING to go to the sb and BELIEVING we can go to the sb. There is no reason all of us shouldn't believe we can accomplish this..........we have alot of great players on this team and a few ? marks. Are team is as good as anybody and we will prove it this year!
O ya.........feeley and the o-line will be solid, defense will be remarkable, wr's will dominate, and ricky will flat out scare opposing defenses into submission.
And another thing...........for those of you who think my prediction for the season is just me dreaming........get bent, as I have said before if feeley plays solid along with the o-line, there is nobody we can't beat. Its not that long of a shot when u think about, but then again everyone likes to think of the worst case scenario with this team instead of looking at ALL the POSITIVES.
I think the running game will be vastly improved. This will translate into four more games than last year. Ogunleye needs to get into camp. If he does, and we don't suffer an injury to Zach Thomas this year, our defense will be improved as well. Even though I like Buckley, Reggie Howard and Will Poole will be an upgrade over Buckley and Fletcher. Edwards and Freeman should be able to perform better than Marion, who was inconsistent last year.

The passing game is a toss up. If Jay's the starter, he has the potential to be better with improved protection, however Jay has the potential to regress. If Feely wins the job we have a shot at improving our deep ball. Putting that aside however, if the only improvement comes in the running game - which was below average last year - we will be significantly improved.
So far I like the responses to the question so I will add my thoughts also. I believe the Fins will do very well this season and I believe one of the biggest reasons for that is the 6th man. . . .THE FANS. I think you will see a much louder, rejuvenated, devoted bunch of fans going to the stadium this year and I think that alone will propell this team to victory and help them go through the difficult spots this upcoming season!
The defense alone will win 10 games for the Dolphins with little help from the offense.

If the offensive line comes together and AJ Feeley becomes what Rick Spielman expects, the Dolphins offense will be very dangerous. With an explosive offense, Miami will have a great shot at going 13-3 or 14-2 this season. Those are bold projections, but I feel very strongly that this defense is good enough to win 10 games by itself. That's essentially what they have averaged over the last 4 seasons without much help from the offensive side of the ball. With an offense, this team will win 13 or 14 games, win the division, and have a great shot at home field advantage.
I think if the o-line plays well....we are in the playoffs. I'm sure that with an improved o-line all aspects of our offense will improve and we all know how goog our defense is. This is a superbowl contender and I hate hearing all this negative stuff about this team these days.
saves said:
I think if the o-line plays well....we are in the playoffs. I'm sure that with an improved o-line all aspects of our offense will improve and we all know how goog our defense is. This is a superbowl contender and I hate hearing all this negative stuff about this team these days.

totally would think this team is just awful and will only make it to the playoffs if we get lucky
I think we have a shot at going 11-5 if Jay is protected and Ricky stays healthy, and Boston has a good year. We will make the playoffs as a wild card. That is what I think I would say if I were looking at the team as a NFL fan and not just a FINFAN. That is best case.
I also feel if Ricky shows signs of how many carries he got last year, and gets banged up, it could be more like 8-8. This team has a lot of pride, and I don't see them giving up completely like the Bills did last year, but the team could turn on Wanny if it starts out slow. I think the worst it could be is 8-8 and the VERY best if everything goes right is 12-4, but 11-5 is what I will stick with. I just feel with the heart that Jay shows he will find ways to win that many.
saves said:
I think if the o-line plays well....we are in the playoffs. I'm sure that with an improved o-line all aspects of our offense will improve and we all know how goog our defense is. This is a superbowl contender and I hate hearing all this negative stuff about this team these days.

defenses wins championships, if the offense falls throught then nothing will stop us, i hope :D
Defense wins Championships I agree!! But with us a solid O-line and good QB play when it counts will get us into the playoffs!! Where we go from there will have to be a solid team effort!!!!!!!! D-fense/ Offense/ Special teams/
If the O Line gets in synch...

then there is no telling how far the team will go. That is the key. Defense wins championships, but not if it is on the field a lot, and notably late in the game continually. If the O can get together, put some teams away early, and then keep them there with long drives in the 3rd & 4th quarters, the D will be more rested on a week to week basis, and that makes them much more effective when they have to stand up and take a game away from somebody.

A quick strike offense is exciting to watch, but unless it strikes early and often, then the D is out there a lot, and that is not good. To be really good, the O line needs to be able to drive out from the shadow of their goal posts, and take the field. That the team could not do consistently, or even much at all, last year. But that also means that the team needs a legitimate passing threat to take it all the way from anywhere on the field to keep the D from stacking against them. Too many times Ricky was hit by the first defensive player while still in the backfield. That should never happen if the O line knows what it's about AND if the opposing team has to respect the possibility of a long pass. If they don't have to worry about the pass, they will certainly clog up the running game - and we have not had the weapons to make anyone worry about a passing game. That is where I have the problem with Jay. He has shown a ton of guts, the ability to make something out of nothing on occasion, and he has even thrown blocks which amazed me - but he does not have the capacity to strike fear into the opposing defense by making them defend against the possibility that he can light their tookuses up with a long pass, and put 6 on them with one play.

That said, if the O line can get in synch - we can go a long way into the playoffs, even if Jay is QB. If Feeley can take the position away from Jay, in an honest competition, then we can possibly get to the AFC championship game, and after that it is as much the way the ball bounces as anything else. This is not the 72 team.
There's a big IF in there. IF Jay starts, which is not cast in stone, bronze, or concrete yet - Jay also has to say healthy for a complete season - which has not happened yet, and be consistent throughout the season - which has also not happened yet. The patter which has set itself up here is that Jay has some competition in training camp, starts the season like a house afire because of that competition, and then gets hurt. The last two times, the replacement has not done anything worthy of note, and then Jay cannot get started again when he comes back. That is why the search has been on for either a QB to replace Jay, either as starter, or as a better back-up. I'd prefer Jay to be the relief pitcher.
My prediction: Pain!!
Seriously, I think the Fins go 10-6 or 11-5, make the playoffs, make it to the second round and lose there...
Take it for what it's worth, because this time last year I bet a buddy $100 the Fins would be the AFC team in the SB!!
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