Nice to see that the Dolphins are getting a little respect.
First of all let me say this, The Jets arent that good but Buffalo is that bad. I know the jets fans are going to be gloating over a great win but that offense will be figured out by other teams soon just like they did to miami. Buffalo Is Terrible and New England will own the division again...
Every other team in every other division has won at least one game. New england has the sole win in the AFC east this pre season. So what can we learn from this? Well probably the New England message boards arent that worried all though as much as brady has been planted on his arse there is...
If I had my choice to go to the NFC west or AFC east for the same money it's a no brainer! The NFC west has been to the playoffs most years with and 8-8 record or worse!!!! Its not the only consideration but it must factor in.
So how are the Phins going shut down NE and their top-tier TE's? Whose footsteps are going to keep Welker awake at night? Which DL can get in Brady's head and put him on the ground?
Which WR is going to challenge Revis and make his way to pay-dirt? Who is our Jets killer and which of our kick...
Afc east looks really tough this year
i think 10-6 in the afc east may not be good enough
that means the dolphins can only lose 2 more games to be assured a playoff spot
so do the dolphins find their mojo the rest of the year and go on a killer streak?
Look, I think he is in over his head and shouldnt be in the same conversation as Belecheat but after the fiasco of earlier this year of Ross botching the new coach situation Sparano can do no wrong, in his mind anyway. Most of us know hes not a good coach but he's being paid and extended to do...
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