bars | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums


  1. D

    Dolfan Bars in Boston?

    Unfortunately I'm gonna be stuck in the Boston area come game time this Sunday.... BARF!!!!! Any Dolfans in the Boston area know where I can watch the game without getting harassed by too many obnoxious Pats fans? Your help is much appreciated!
  2. J

    Displaced Dolphins fans! Where do you watch the Fins?

    As a recently displaced Finfan myself, I've found it hard to recreate the amazing hometown bar experience in Los Angeles. I'm trying to better understand the issues that displaced fans have, and create a web based solution to better pair sports team fans with bars in their area. Please take a...
  3. letsgodolphins

    NY Bar for Dolphin fans?!?

    Unfortunately, I can't make it out to the game but I will be traveling from Miami to NY this weekend and would love to watch the game with some DOLFANS! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! FINS UP!
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