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  1. -MiamiSoul

    ***The uniform/logo super thread***

    Word has it it's going to be a light crowd year at the stadiums. PERFECT TIME to change out that whimpy limpwristed logo back to our old one all around the stadium!!! Bring back our heritage! Let's rebuild this team right!!!!! Let's make this a proud franchise again!!
  2. LandShark13

    MERGED: New Uniforms Leaked?

    New Uniforms Leaked photo..
  3. PorrotheDolfan

    *** New Logo HATS released (merged x4) ***

    http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/483680_363301593778911_1842982354_n.jpg Looks good to me, found it on facebook.
  4. MexDolfan

    Our new logo is better than several others at NFL.

    I understand a logo like any other image, will be beauty only for some eyes. But assuming every sport logo design requires it to be simple, allusive and easy to remember for fans, then I think this new logo will work fine. So I opened an easy survey: Our new logo is better than ... ...
  5. FinAtic8480

    *** Dolphins New Logo SUPERTHREAD (Merged x8) ***

    www.twitter.com/C_Mitchko I must admit, I like it, I really like it. Very Throw Back
  6. matt11390

    PFT tidbits

    http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/category/rumor-mill/ This article has a couple of interesting things dolphins related. It speaks to the lack of money Sean Smith actually got and that Keller is posting a logo on his twitter. But his logo is not Ellerbe's logo but the one most of us think...
  7. Fin_Frenzy_84

    Logo Question?

    Do you think the new players and current players know the new logo and uniforms? I think the FO could of use that to there advantage and showed them to kind of recruit them. Players do want to look good when they play lol
  8. FinsBR

    Apparently no logo change for us

    Darren Rovell on his twitter is posting some Photos of some of the new NFL products available at the new NFL pop up store in NYC. he is saying that: darren rovell ‏ @darrenrovell Close There are no Seahawks items at the NFL pop up store (@officialnflshop) presumably because of logo change...
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