that is what i was thinking a week ago, but we r going to need some other things to fall into place.
if the ravens beat the saints tomm, they r 7-4, and even if they did lose to us, that would give them only 5 losses, and if u look at there remaining sched, i dont see them to losing more than 5 if they beat the saints tomm.
so we need balt to win the division, and pitt and cincy both have some tough games coming up and will prob beat up on each other as well.
we do not need to worry about sd at 7-4, because that teams sched is absolutely brutal the rest of the way, and if u saw them play vs oakland at home last week and stl this week, u can see they r pretenders.
its going to come down to us, kc, pitt, cincy, and cle for the 5th and 6th spots.
should be exciting. hopefully we take care of our business.