1st time poster Mock | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

1st time poster Mock


Apr 14, 2007
Reaction score
Rd. 1 Pick 9 Patrick Willis LB.........He is BPA imo at 9
Rd. 2 Pick 8 Zach Miller TE.......Ariz. St.
Rd. 2 Pick 27 James Marten OT.....Boston College
Rd. 3 Pick 7 Samson Satele OG.....Hawaii
Rd. 4 Pick 9 Kevin Kolb QB.....Houston hopefully he is still here
Rd. 6 Pick 7 Brandon Myles WR......West Virginia
Rd. 6 Pick 25 Brandon Frye OT.....Virginia Tech
Rd. 7 Pick 9 John Talley CB....Duke
Rd. 7 Pick 28 Selmon Young RB.....Texas

Let me know what you guys think? Criticize if you must
Rd. 1 Pick 9 Patrick Willis LB.........He is BPA imo at 9
Rd. 2 Pick 8 Zach Miller TE.......Ariz. St.
Rd. 2 Pick 27 James Marten OT.....Boston College
Rd. 3 Pick 7 Samson Satele OG.....Hawaii
Rd. 4 Pick 9 Kevin Kolb QB.....Houston hopefully he is still here
Rd. 6 Pick 7 Brandon Myles WR......West Virginia
Rd. 6 Pick 25 Brandon Frye OT.....Virginia Tech
Rd. 7 Pick 9 John Talley CB....Duke
Rd. 7 Pick 28 Selmon Young RB.....Texas

Let me know what you guys think? Criticize if you must
i love it it excpet willis we dont need our first round pick to be on the bench his first year
I would only want Willis if we were to trade down a few picks. Otherwise I want someone who will heavily contribute this year. The rest of the rounds would be fine.
You wasted your first post on that...:ninja:

Just kidding, :lol: First and foremost, welcome aboard..

Nice pick, I will try to disect what I see, but remember it is just my opinion, and not worth all that much

Rd. 1 Pick 9 Patrick Willis LB.........He is BPA imo at 9
Rd. 2 Pick 8 Zach Miller TE.......Ariz. St.
Rd. 2 Pick 27 James Marten OT.....Boston College
Rd. 3 Pick 7 Samson Satele OG.....Hawaii
Rd. 4 Pick 9 Kevin Kolb QB.....Houston hopefully he is still here
Rd. 6 Pick 7 Brandon Myles WR......West Virginia
Rd. 6 Pick 25 Brandon Frye OT.....Virginia Tech
Rd. 7 Pick 9 John Talley CB....Duke
Rd. 7 Pick 28 Selmon Young RB.....Texas

1. Pat Willis- As stated, if we trade down and get him great. Zack is getting up in the years and Willis is gonna be a monster
2. Zach Miller- Nice TE. Should be a quality TE for years to come
2a.I think there is gonna be better talent available at this point
3. Big Sam Satale. I LOVE THIS GUY. Gawd I hope this guy falls in our lap
4. I dont think Kolb will last this long, but if he does, he will be ours.
Round 6. ??? Dont know enough about either to judge, but I hope we actually go DB in this spot
7. Talley would be a very nice Special Teamer. Tough kid, great locker room guy
7a.If Selmon Young goes this far, that would be a very nice pick..

Nice mock, one of the better I have seen.
hopefully trade down to the late teens, if bq isnt there.

1st sampson satelle
2nd ben grubbs
2nd b. justin blaylock

id be happier than a pig in fresh ****.
wow pleezhelpusnick, which btw, i hope to god thats an extremely old name or another nick, you're saying we get satele w/ our first pick? Um, no. He's a late second to third rounder. Get staley.
hopefully trade down to the late teens, if bq isnt there.

1st sampson satelle
2nd ben grubbs
2nd b. justin blaylock

id be happier than a pig in fresh ****.

Whoooaaaa. I think you might have them a bit mixed up. Blaylock isnt gonna make it that far. As much as I LOVE Big-Sam, he isnt worth a 1st and top three picks on Oline is a bit excessive IMO..

If we could land Grubbs/Blaylock and Sam, and still have our 9th overall, hen I would also be happy as a "Pork Bearing animal swimming in his own feces...:wink:
wow pleezhelpusnick, which btw, i hope to god thats an extremely old name or another nick, you're saying we get satele w/ our first pick? Um, no. He's a late second to third rounder. Get staley.
yes it is an old name. ive been in iraq. but now im in walter reed.
but im sorry ive wanted a qb for a looong time. but if we cant get him i wanna trade down and get a oline qb. i love satelle. god willin we get grubbs and blaylock. my god wed have our foundation. give alibi his chance. though i do agree we should draft a left tackle.
woohoo my first official post....

i wouldn't mind willis in the first round imagine in 2,3 years willis and crowder wooow...but since we have 3 studs at LB right now i think i would wait another year maaaaybe two in drafting a LB so high
yes it is an old name. ive been in iraq. but now im in walter reed.
but im sorry ive wanted a qb for a looong time. but if we cant get him i wanna trade down and get a oline qb. i love satelle. god willin we get grubbs and blaylock. my god wed have our foundation. give alibi his chance. though i do agree we should draft a left tackle.

Wow, so this entire thread is about to change direction. I remember the name, didnt know you were over there. Hope everything is alright, and Thank you.... very very much.... for everything....

Now then. I also hope we get Satale, if the gods are smiling we will with our 3rd rounder.
As stated, I think we need too many fixes to draft 3 olinemen, especially all in first day, but I do like your mindset.
naw. this thread aint changing. it would be awesome to get him in a later round. but do we take that chance? and if so for whom
naw. this thread aint changing. it would be awesome to get him in a later round. but do we take that chance? and if so for whom

Samson? For whom who? Samson is projected 3rd rounder, perhaps late 2nd, but those are the chances you take. Perhaps we take him with our second 2nd (If that makes sense) but probably better players at "Skill" positions still available.

Very tricky business drafting if your entire job depends on it....:wink:
Rd. 1 Pick 9 Patrick Willis LB.........He is BPA imo at 9
Rd. 2 Pick 8 Zach Miller TE.......Ariz. St.
Rd. 2 Pick 27 James Marten OT.....Boston College
Rd. 3 Pick 7 Samson Satele OG.....Hawaii
Rd. 4 Pick 9 Kevin Kolb QB.....Houston hopefully he is still here
Rd. 6 Pick 7 Brandon Myles WR......West Virginia
Rd. 6 Pick 25 Brandon Frye OT.....Virginia Tech
Rd. 7 Pick 9 John Talley CB....Duke
Rd. 7 Pick 28 Selmon Young RB.....Texas

Let me know what you guys think? Criticize if you must

Welcome gator. first off, I like your pick of Willis. I like it alot more than alot of other people would. If Quinn is there, he is a fin, still a big if but I think it can happen. Willis is a PB and possible HoF if he goes a long time IMO. We would have the best LB core in the World. Willis could also be big time trade down bait for some major picks. I would do a back flip if we got Willis, and I cannot do one so......
2nd: Zach Miller was on my original mock but the rash of OL and QB's could start at 33-50 so in my mind, we go with a OL here since we either get Quinn or Willis (hypothetically of course). If we are to get Kolb, and rumors hold true about his stock rise and our love for him, then I could see Kolb gone at 40 or 60, it depends i guess but he will need to be taken there. Satele might still be there at 71, if not, i think its ok because Alleman is another guy we like and he is a g/c type i guess so that is who we may pick there.
doug Free is another possibility at OT. Lord knows we need a LT and now more than ever since we are still stuck with alabi as "the guy". Myles and Frye are decent picks at those spots.
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