A Different Spin On the Season | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

A Different Spin On the Season


☠️ Banned ☠️
Feb 12, 2002
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I just thought I'd throw this against the wall and see if it sticks. Maybe this season is going perfectly and we just don't realize it. Maybe this is the season of new beginnings. Confused? Let me explain.

In the recent past Miami's seasons have looked like this: Open up with a dominating home victory followed by several convincing wins (usually at home) through the first half of the season which makes everyone think Miami is an awesome team and one poised for a Super Bowl berth (Generally a 6-2 or 7-1 record about this time.) Mid season rolls around and there's a brief stumble, followed by a mediocre win or two, and a late season collapse in late November and on into December. This is followed up by either a blowout loss in the playoffs or, in the case of last season, no playoffs at all.

Now let's flash forward to this season. Miami stumbles out of the gates, at home, against an obviously inferior opponent. The wins don't come easily for the first half of the season and the home field advantage usually enjoyed by our favorite team has all but been eliminated. There have been a couple of atypical early season collapse games, at home, that looked quite a bit like a lot of the late season collapse games of yesteryear. Finally, most of our wins have come on the road this year, and the 'Fins have played much better on the road than at home.

So, with that said, since this is a year of brand new trends, perhaps that means that there will be no late season collapse, the 'Fins will win on the road in icy conditions, and they will head into the playoffs with a head of steam instead of limping in as in years past.

Granted, I'm totally reaching here and most of this is probably utter crap but, as I said in the beginning, I'm just throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks.

I was actually thinking (hoping) along those same lines. I am very interested to see how the rest of the season plays out.
We are likely to win our three home games and lost either one or two away games. The way it looks we need each game. We may have finally found our OL. They got Ricky 45 yards on 11 carries (Yates, McKinney, Jerman). If our passing game supports the running game well, then yes we can do something this year.
I think I had the same thread on the ESPN boards myself.

I however, went even further in my reaching for arcane mumbo-jumbo, and stated that both of the Super Bowl winners in the last two seasons started 5-4, had Terrell Buckley on their roster. Like us.
Originally posted by Disgustipate
I think I had the same thread on the ESPN boards myself.

I however, went even further in my reaching for arcane mumbo-jumbo, and stated that both of the Super Bowl winners in the last two seasons started 5-4, had Terrell Buckley on their roster. Like us.

Had I thought of it, I likely would have made the same reach myself. Nice job bro! :lol:
Ahh, you keep all of our dreams alive, it sounds so wonderfull,.....................but yeah your right, it's a load of crap!
I'm not getting my hopes up,not yet...:lol: :lol: :lol:
lol, I have thought the same way throughtout the passed few weeks and completely agree
Originally posted by Expo88
I just thought I'd throw this against the wall and see if it sticks. Maybe this season is going perfectly and we just don't realize it. Maybe this is the season of new beginnings. Confused? Let me explain.

In the recent past Miami's seasons have looked like this: Open up with a dominating home victory followed by several convincing wins (usually at home) through the first half of the season which makes everyone think Miami is an awesome team and one poised for a Super Bowl berth (Generally a 6-2 or 7-1 record about this time.) Mid season rolls around and there's a brief stumble, followed by a mediocre win or two, and a late season collapse in late November and on into December. This is followed up by either a blowout loss in the playoffs or, in the case of last season, no playoffs at all.

Now let's flash forward to this season. Miami stumbles out of the gates, at home, against an obviously inferior opponent. The wins don't come easily for the first half of the season and the home field advantage usually enjoyed by our favorite team has all but been eliminated. There have been a couple of atypical early season collapse games, at home, that looked quite a bit like a lot of the late season collapse games of yesteryear. Finally, most of our wins have come on the road this year, and the 'Fins have played much better on the road than at home.

So, with that said, since this is a year of brand new trends, perhaps that means that there will be no late season collapse, the 'Fins will win on the road in icy conditions, and they will head into the playoffs with a head of steam instead of limping in as in years past.

Granted, I'm totally reaching here and most of this is probably utter crap but, as I said in the beginning, I'm just throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks.


:chuckle: You feelin' me?

It's a long season. I don't mind our team having their backs against the wall this early either. It gives them time to regroup and become a better team unlike December.

On that note....

Minnesota has started their annual collapse.

Tennessee should cool down soon. I think they are "peaking" too early. (106 passer rating? unheard of)

Indianapolis as shown yesterday is still soft on defense.

The Dallas collapse has started.

Philadelphia is starting to "click".

I look for New England to start falling anytime now. That's more of a hope now. I thought it might begin after their bye.

Cincinatti just put something on film on how to slow the KC Chiefs scoring machine. However I think that was a situation where they were just "jacked" for the game.

"And the sign says everybody come here and kneel down and pray!"
Originally posted by CirclingWagons
now pass the crackpipe to poster #10 fellas...i wanna hit that ****


This crackpipe is labeled "pretenders", not "losers".
theres only one way we get goin and that is the Oline stays active like it was yesterday. the young ones did good particularly i noticed Yates. We need some more from norv turner. he hasnt called very well at all and i see him as overrated as of now. We have talent on this Offense and there are ways to keep defenses honest with what we have but i see flashes of it and then its not called again. why? we go to the well too much with ricky up the gut.
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