After noon Practice report | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

After noon Practice report


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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This is from a Titian Fan perspective and may not give us as many details as we want about our Dolphins, but he did give pros to the Dolphins when warranted.

Originally posted by nendzone
I focused on the Titans O versus Dolphins D, but I pumped a couple people for information on the Dolphins O vs. Titans D.

Titans O generally did well, but the Dolphins defense certainly held their own on a few series (no surprise, they are a very good D).

McNair was back and throwing with a lot of zip. He was mostly very accurate but just missed on a couple of long TDs in 11-on-11 work.

One over the middle to Mason, who had run past the coverage (McNair left it a little long and was clearly mad at himself for missing on the throw). Another on a long pass to the back of the endzone to Bennett, who made a nice grab but was too close to the back line and did not get both feet down.

Highlight (to me) of the afternoon was a diving, mostly one-handed, had-a-DB-on-his-back grab by Kevin Dyson, who hauled it in and landed inbounds just inside the sideline. The Dolphins DBs were pleading with the field judge who was right on the spot that Dyson landed out of bounds, but he called it a good catch.

O'Donnell was not as impressive with the second team on 11-on-11. Volek showed some good poise with the third team and had a couple well-thrown balls dropped...but then got baited into a bad INT that in all likelihood would've been returned for a TD. Bad play by Volek, but overall he's throwing the ball very well and showing some good leadership skills in the huddle. He threw one on a rope to Wycheck for a TD that went through a couple of LBs.

McCareins did a few good things in 11-on-11 work. Eddie Berlin impressed me in 1-on-1 drills and 7-on-7, showing ability to get open and hauling in at least one TD. He also appears to be developing into a good gunner on special teams kick cover teams.

In the running game, Eddie had a couple of nice ones, one busting through the line with a nice burst in a 9-on-9 (no WRs/CBs), and another on a tough run from inside the 5 in 11-on-11 redzone work where he looked to get in for the TD.

McNair also had a nice audible in redzone work that he checked to a QB draw, and it looked like he took it in from about 5-6 yards.

I saw one "bad" McNair throw, on a medium route, where the DB almost picked it off but couldn't hold on.

Holcombe seemed to get bottled up in the 9-on-9 rushing work, although John Simon had one nifty little run picking his way through the line and getting some good yards. Then in 11-on-11, Holcombe had a couple okay but unspectacular plays, while Simon struggled a little, dropping a pass.

All in all, the offense continues to show some good things and make use of a lot of weapons. They even ran another WR reverse today, this one with Chris Coleman, who turned the corner and got some yards.

As for the Titans D, they apparently picked it up considerably from this morning. They were physical this morning, but were allowing completions. I understand this afternoon, the DBs were getting their hands on a lot of throws -- but unfortunately, not hauling in all the INTs they had their hands on.

Morris reportedly had a very good afternoon, although one of his would-be picks was dropped (he did pick off another, I hear). Dyson and Beckham reportedly both had INTs bounce off their hands. And I heard Bulluck made a very pretty INT, sounds very similar to the one he made going up against his own teammates earlier this week.

I also heard the LBs did a good job overall, mostly containing Ricky Williams this afternoon. Rocky Boiman was singled out by the guy I talked to for having shown a lot of speed having to cover Travis Minor out of the backfield. Reportedly, Minor did some damage on the ground against the Titans second unit.

Also, despite reports of the problems with Godfrey's knee, it really doesn't appear to be holding him back that much. I'm sure it's frustrating and they are concerned about the wear and tear over a long season, but he seems to be moving pretty well to me.
Yea on gotitians,,I'm sorry AJ..but the link requires registering and logging into their site. I kinda forgot the policy you can remove
No I don't mind... They are part of the same alliance as we are in. I just wanted to give credit to the site... LOL
I just saw some highlights on sunshine network live..On one you see Nails pancake some one but he did it with authority(I just had to say that.).You can tell this was one intense scrimmage because they showed a couple of fights.McMichael running a slant and caught the ball over the middle.The rest of highlights were on Ricky receiving and running the balls.They really do a bad job on reporting the action.
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Thanks for the report MD. Wish those Titan fans would remember to talk about us!
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