Where is the reset button?
Is this the "right" move for the franchise? I don't care how you feel about him the past game or not but seriously, I am all for demoting Ted Ginn until he has proven his ability to be our number one. Let him realize how much of a privilege it is to be player in the NFL. I mean I get this vibe from Ginn that he has zero confidence but yet is doing nothing to improve. I wonder how he is during practice and at team meetings? It the guy really putting in the time? I would doubt that. If I were ginn, I would reach out to guys like chris carter and get some pointers from some of the recently retired NFL greats.
However, no matter how Ginn turns out, what I am kind of worried about it Henne's maturation being affected by shoddy wideout play. This is a legit concern for me.
However, no matter how Ginn turns out, what I am kind of worried about it Henne's maturation being affected by shoddy wideout play. This is a legit concern for me.