anyone else think sparano has a lot more power since Harbaugh debacle | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

anyone else think sparano has a lot more power since Harbaugh debacle


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Oct 24, 2001
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Ontario, Canada
Gotta wonder if Ireland is deferring to Tony's wishes here. I believe Sparano wants to play this boring brand of football and Ireland is giving him the pieces he needs which is total garbage for the fans since hopefully this regime will be kicked out on it's *** by about early December. The next regime will likely not have much use for Thomas. There isn't many teams looking for a back with his speed/leg power/fumblitis attributes.
Well I suppose now Parcells has gone the Ireland apologists need a different scapegoat
Daniel Thomas should be able to put up a 1,000 yard season behind this offensive line. If they think Henne is turning things around, becoming more of a leader, I'm okay with that. He showed great promise in 2009. 2010 he regressed. Daboli might bring out the best in Henne. And if he can play all 16 games the way he plays whenever we're matched up against the Jets. I will be plenty happy.
We're not going to win the bowl scoring 14-19 points a game. I don't see how personnel wise this team increases their scoring output. We better hope that Daboll is an unrealized offensive genius.
I agree Sparano has more power because he's not trying to get along with everyone anymore, after getting stab in the back from you partner i think he speaks him mind and lost a lot of trust......I also thing it will make him a better coach.....
Sparano appears to have all the power when he should have none..
Ireland is following Sparanos "running is my nature" script to a tee..
im expecting to see tyrod taylor as the next pic to fall in line with this philosophy..
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