Anyone going to Buffalo or Ravens game in Miami ? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone going to Buffalo or Ravens game in Miami ?


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Anyone going to Buffalo game in Miami ?

Thinking about flying down for game ag. Bills on 10/20. Anyone else going ?
Originally posted by Billsfan
I am.
forgot to say any Dolphans out there going to the Bills game on 10/20 ? ;)
Originally posted by Miamian
I can go.
sucks, but I am going to Fla for Dec Holiday, i.e. week after Raider game so was not interested in that one. Jets game is on TV up here and too close to my son's b-day. Well, turns out I will be Orlando week after Buffalo game, so now looking at switching plans to Nov. 17 -- BALTIMORE RAVENS, 1 p.m., CBS game :rolleyes:
Well, I don't know if I'm going to the game against the Ravens. 13, if you want to go to the game against the Bills I'll go with you:drinkers:
Maybe I'll finally make the time and spend the $$$ to come down and watch the Bills beat the would be my first road game since the Bills beat the Oilers in 1989
just bought 8 in section 410, whooo-hoo, the annual road trip goes to Miami this year!! cannot wait to check the city out.
Remember the better Drew does the more New England gets screwed!!
South Beach is awesome. Don't listen to some of your fellow Bills fans who hate Miami, there is a lot to do there and you will have fun, except you won't like it when Miami beats Buffalo.
If you have time, there's a bit more than South Beach. Check out Coconut Grove, West Brickell, Hollywood, and the Fort Lauderdale Riverwalk. You'll need to awash yourself in nice scenery as much as possible because the scene at PPS won't be very pleasant for you.
Originally posted by Miamian
Well, I don't know if I'm going to the game against the Ravens. 13, if you want to go to the game against the Bills I'll go with you:drinkers:
I am going to Orlando for work 10/27 and then to So Fla week after Raiders game to visit my parents, but still might squeeze in Ravens games. I am undecided. I am definitely not going to Jills game, will catch it at a sports bar.
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