Practice Squad
I am trying to get Miami Games in Austin and have come across sling box http://www.slingmedia.com/indexa.php and was wondering if anyone that has the NFL sunday ticket or lives in Miami can hook me up through it?
I just want to do it on games I dont get or cant find at a sports bar.CHAMBERS8484 said:I do have a slingbox, and NFL sunday ticket, it rules but it's much better on TV, the video is crappy on the slingbox unless you are broadcasting with T1 or T3
footballer said:yo i ve never heaRD OF IT... what is it? like a tivo, or dvr? or a sat. dish?
CHAMBERS8484 said:I do have a slingbox, and NFL sunday ticket, it rules but it's much better on TV, the video is crappy on the slingbox unless you are broadcasting with T1 or T3
UF Fin Kat said:this is a device that's ahead of its time. it's not really that great right now and probably won't be for sevreal years when someone else makes it.
bobdroopy said:Is it watchable, how big do the streams usaully go?
Do you have one?