Anyone see the professional football contest between Phins vs Packers | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone see the professional football contest between Phins vs Packers


Scout Team
May 23, 2007
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Oh Finheaven the Dolphins of Miami took on the Packers of Green Bay. And in the end, the Dolphins triumphed by kicking an oblong ball made of pigskin through a big "H". It was a most ripping victory.
Are you on drugs?

It's a reference from Coming to America


Oh Finheaven the Dolphins of Miami took on the Packers of Green Bay. And in the end, the Dolphins triumphed by kicking an oblong ball made of pigskin through a big "H". It was a most ripping victory.

Indeed, good sir. I saw the professional football contest to which you refer.

Quite an experience, I must say. Once again I bore witness to the shenanigans of one Mr. Daniel Ernest Henning Jr., from the house of William and Mary. This time around, he did not use his most feared artifice, that of the wild cat, but he did show his philistine ways in the manner he called the formations and attitudes of the players after the center exchange. Quite shameful, if I may say so myself.

Still, the brave Dolphins of Miami did beat that swashbuckler, Aaron Charles of the Chico Rodgers. Beat him mightily with the furious fist of the true gentleman, Mr. Derek Cameron Wake. He who hails from the windy forests of Northwestern Maryland impressed his will on those foolish enough to impede his path, and such was his fury that Mr. Rodgers just had to leave in shame.

Also of note is the delivering leg of Daniel Roy, the Carpenter. That, however, I will leave for another time, as I must tend to more pressing matters, my boy.
What is this professional football you speak of?
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