Anyone watch Sparano's PC today? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone watch Sparano's PC today?

The Ghost

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Aug 14, 2005
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Bethlehem, Pa
At one point he was being asked about the RG position and its ineffectiveness, Tony gave the same boring answer you'd expect about them trying out different guys. Then someone asked him about Donald Thomas and it just seemed like he paused for a second and had this thought of like "If we had Donald our offense would be kicking ***" but it turned into just your average positive quip.

I don't know, maybe I saw something I wanted to see but I think Sparano LOVES Donald Thomas. As should all of us. Regardless of his injury you can expect him to only get better heading into his second season beause lets face it he knows he's the guy at the position.....everything he learned this year from the bench will only help.

And an much do you love Sparano. Last night instead of watching the Obama's speech he was still watching game film. Probably oblivious to the fact.

I would like to see him trim down a bit.
At one point he was being asked about the RG position and its ineffectiveness, Tony gave the same boring answer you'd expect about them trying out different guys. Then someone asked him about Donald Thomas and it just seemed like he paused for a second and had this thought of like "If we had Donald our offense would be kicking ***" but it turned into just your average positive quip.

I don't know, maybe I saw something I wanted to see but I think Sparano LOVES Donald Thomas. As should all of us. Regardless of his injury you can expect him to only get better heading into his second season beause lets face it he knows he's the guy at the position.....everything he learned this year from the bench will only help.

And an much do you love Sparano. Last night instead of watching the Obama's speech he was still watching game film. Probably oblivious to the fact.

I would like to see him trim down a bit.

I watched the same PC and had a bit of a different take. I was drawn to the same part of the discussion and did not hear the same boring coach speak. He was asked was he happy with the play of the RG and he said no. He said they were getting better but not fast enough. He said we are in the middle of something here and we can't wait around, they just need to step up. I was kinda shocked by his honesty. (Gotta love the guy) but from the way Porter was talking the other day about how everyone is afraid to get hurt or they won't be around, and add to that we go out and sign a RG and things are getting interesting.
I mean come on our running game is not what it should be. Carey, Long, and Justin are doing good and Samson is getting better (loved that down field pancake on the 3rd down screen Sunday) but the RG has been letting guys off their blocks too early all season. We have to get better there and soon. No reason that last drive had to be all pass vs the worst run D in the league. I don't care if there were 8 in the box if you can't run in the 4th when the D is tired without tricking the defense every time then our running game is not where it should be. That HAS to get better and soon or we will not be able to put people away when we have the lead in the 4th. Starting the season I thought that would be the strongest part of the team, but except for the wildcat we haven't been able to run the ball since the Chargers game. The ravens game is no big deal no one can run on those guys but come on the donkeys?? That should have been a cake walk on the ground. We have to show more vs a solid run D like the hawks this week or we are going to be chasing .500 all season.
Our run game doesn't suck simply because of the RG position... Long and Smiley are playing well. But Satele hasn't been very good, and Carey seems to have taken a step backward. Pretty strange.
Our run game doesn't suck simply because of the RG position... Long and Smiley are playing well. But Satele hasn't been very good, and Carey seems to have taken a step backward. Pretty strange.

Ya I know what your saying. I heard him say the other he's happy to be at RT because his dominant position. Still waiting for that one.
At one point he was being asked about the RG position and its ineffectiveness, Tony gave the same boring answer you'd expect about them trying out different guys. Then someone asked him about Donald Thomas and it just seemed like he paused for a second and had this thought of like "If we had Donald our offense would be kicking ***" but it turned into just your average positive quip.

I don't know, maybe I saw something I wanted to see but I think Sparano LOVES Donald Thomas. As should all of us. Regardless of his injury you can expect him to only get better heading into his second season beause lets face it he knows he's the guy at the position.....everything he learned this year from the bench will only help.

And an much do you love Sparano. Last night instead of watching the Obama's speech he was still watching game film. Probably oblivious to the fact.

I would like to see him trim down a bit.
He did make Gil Brandt's all-rookie team only playing one game.
He's not my wife. I don't care what his weight is.

I would like to see him trim down a bit.[/quote]
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