April 16??? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

April 16???


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Apr 20, 2003
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I was just reading that on April 16th is the last day of the restricted free agent signing period, so what happend with OGUN??? if not team wnats to give their 1st and 3rd and nothing happen we retain his rights, but he said he wont sign the one year 1.84 million tender so whats gonna happen is he gonna sit out??
What happens on April 16th is he no longer is a free agent. Right now he's free to go wherever he wants and negotiate anything he wants with any team that will listen. That means they can get contracts negotiated right now, then work on Miami trying to get the Phins to match the contract or trade him. After April 16th, neither Rosenhaus nor Ogun are allowed to even blink in another teams direction unless Miami gives them say-so.

That in effect is the only thing that changes April 16th. I expect that Miami will give permission to seek a trade and will field offers but will probably reject all of them.
he would sign with Miami and ethier stay or be traded
Wanne has emphatically stated the Phins will only take the 1st and 3rd for OGun and expect him to be a Phins and get into off season programs if he does not get signed. C/b a negiotating or c/b a solid strategry for 2004 :dunno:
he would sign with Miami and ethier stay or be traded

Thats not correct there is nothing forcing him to sign the one year tender offer. On April 16th his status goes from Restricted Free Agent to Exclusive Free Agent as far as his freedoms go...the only difference between his new post-April 16th status and a genuine EFA status is our tender offer would have to remain $1.8 million whereas the minimum tender for EFAs is only like $300k. But if Ogunleye still does not sign the tender offer 30 days prior to the start of the regular season (August 19th I think?) then Miami can reduce the tender offer from $1.8 million to a little over $400k thereby giving them some cap room.

If Miami at any point takes the tender offer off the table Ogunleye automatically becomes an Unrestricted Free Agent free to sign with whomever he chooses.

Ogunleye has the option of holding out (not signing the contract) for the entire year, then signing it with 6 games left in the season. He would accrue a full year under the guidelines of the CBA, and he would become an unrestricted free agent in 2005. A lot of people on here are under the misguided impression that if this were to happen, Miami could just "deactivate" him for those 6 games and then he wouldn't accrue the season and would become an RFA again. Not true. If he's on the roster and healthy for the 6 games, he accrues the season whether we activate him for games or not.

I personally do not think Ogunleye will hold out though. He has too much to lose, and Miami doesn't have enough of a stake in him for Ogunleye to count on us falling for his bluff.
Originally posted by ckparrothead
I personally do not think Ogunleye will hold out though. He has too much to lose, and Miami doesn't have enough of a stake in him for Ogunleye to count on us falling for his bluff.
and he will miss out on the all the fun, too ;)
True, but I think more important to him will be, he'll miss out on all the money. By doing it he'd be giving up something like $1.6 million just for 2004...not to mention whatever red flags he suffers from in 2005 free agency for being a holdout etc. He'll have to balance all those losses against the chance that he suffers an injury in 2004 or has a sub-par years because those would also hurt his 2005 free agent status. Reminds me of the situation in Jerry Mcguire where Rod Tidwell gets a p!ss poor contract offer from the Cardinals and Jerry is like, if you don't sign it, and you get injured this year....you get nothing....nothing at all on the market next year. If Miami really has an interest in keeping good relations with him and having him play his heart out they should pay him the $1.8 million base plus toss on a few hundred thousand more as a premium on an injury insurance policy that would compensate him millions if he suffered a season-ending injury that would hurt his free agent status.
I think we'll give him a long term contract and Sam and Pat will be the 2 happiest players on the team.

Ozzy rules!!
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