SuperBowl MVP
Are you still a Vick fan? Vick should go to jail and not be aloud in the NFL. I am a dog owner I have a lab and my cuzin has to pitbulls and they are the nicest dogs you would ever want to meet my lab who is 3 years old and the pitbulls are 3 and 2. Spike dont be fulled by his name he is the sweetest dog sweetest dog you woul ever want to meet and he is 3. My cuzins other pitbull whos name is piglet is 2 and she is also the nicest dog you would ever want to meet she was a rescue she was used as a bait dog for pitbull fighting when my cuzin got her she had mange and can not hear but she is a very good dog and very nice.
Are you still a Vick fan?
Are you still a Vick fan?