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Ask Andy Cohen


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Ask Andy Cohen solid set of Q&A covering lots of major issues, but this is my favorite
Q. Andy, Do you think this is the year the Dolphins will end there losing streak to the Jets?

A. Yes, I do. I believe the Dolphins are a better team than the Jets. I believe Ricky Williams will make a huge difference. I'm picking the Dolphins to win, say 27-20. Having said that, I also picked them to win in Miami last year and was wrong. But this year? I've got a feeling the time has come to put a lid on the Jets

do not forget to check out Miami Dolphins Cheerleader of the week - Amber OMG :hail:
Good sound logic to a lot of his answers, especially for those Fielder bashers..I don't understand a QB who's been consistent enought to lead us to an 11-5 2 years in a row under a Gailey lead getting needled like he does...Under a Norv more dynamic system you see what he's doing and still there's the needling..I'm at a lost for word..I've watch Miami ball from the beginning...and This guy is as cool under pressure as any of our past QB's..Beleive me Bob G..wasn't much better if at all than Jay..BG managed the O..let Czonk, Kiik, and Morris do their thing..hit Warfield when neccessary and won SB's..Jay's doing the exact same thing..Just as good and defintely better scrambler and picking up 1st downs with his feet..
for Jay, the definite game could be this weekend. If Jay can lead us to victory - w/RW's help - that's gotta shut everyone up. The Dolts and Lions both have horrid Ds and though the Jets' Dhas been just as bad a win ag. the Jets must raise Jay to a new level w/Dolphans everywhere or they have a real problem.
both teams look for pass rush

Jets | Looking for a Pass Rush - posted at KFFL (
11:49 PT: Randy Lange, of the Bergen Record, reports the New York Jets are looking to get more out of their pass rush. The team recorded four sacks against the Bills in week one and zero against the Patriots in week two. Head coach Herman Edwards said the team would like to have DT Larry Webster rotating with the first unit more often and also use DT Josh Evans a little more on third downs because he has some quickness.

Q. Andy: The Fins didnlt have much of a pass rush against the Colts. At times Manning had all day to throw. With Surtain hurting, is there any talk of turning up the heat on opposing QBs with some blitz packages??

A. I was very disappointed in the pass rush against Indy. I thought the four-man package could put some heat on Manning. If the Dolphins continue to show that they can't, they have no choice but to start using some blitz packages. I think they will. I think you'll see a cornerback blitz and I'd really like to see them try to get some pressure from outside linebacker Morlon Greenwood.
In the right system with the right coordinator Jay could be every bit as successful as Jeff Garcia over in San Francisco. But he's not the type of quarterback that can work with marginal offensive talent, and a marginal offensive coordinator, and not end up trying to do too much and throwing stupid interceptions.

Quarterbacks like that DO exist. And Jay Fiedler's production over the last two years is not sound on a longterm basis (ie we didn't give him a longterm contract because we said to ourselves "well if he puts up the same numbers as the last two years every year, we're good to go!") We signed him longterm because we saw the potential in him to grow more as a quarterback and put up far better numbers if he's given some more offensive talent (lets face it before Chris Chambers and Ricky Williams, our offensive talent was not average, it was GOD AWEFUL) and a little better play-caller (Norv).

So in my opinion Jay is a guy that can help us win, and put up fairly good numbers with AVG nfl talent along the rest of the OL. Our talent before Chambers and Williams was not even average. Our signal caller could have been a little better as well (obviously...look at the results). In those conditions Jay threw for what he did. In better conditions, hopefully he will do better. And so far, he's showing that he can.

Its a very nice thing when you're putting up good numbers and running an offense well against teams who you should be putting good numbers up against. Its a sign that with better offensive weaponry, there IS room for improvement with Jay's play. And thats the situation we're facing. Weith the addition of Williams, emergence of McMichael and Chambers, we're faced with a situation where our weaponry is upgrading, and we're keeping hold of a QB who we know has a knack for winning, and who will not only win now that we have superior weaponry, but will put up superior numbers to boot.
Amber has always been my favorite. She is a total goddess. I stood face to face with her last summer. Oh my God
Originally posted by MDFINFAN
Good sound logic to a lot of his answers, especially for those Fielder bashers..I don't understand a QB who's been consistent enought to lead us to an 11-5 2 years in a row under a Gailey lead getting needled like he does...Under a Norv more dynamic system you see what he's doing and still there's the needling..I'm at a lost for word..I've watch Miami ball from the beginning...and This guy is as cool under pressure as any of our past QB's..Beleive me Bob G..wasn't much better if at all than Jay..BG managed the O..let Czonk, Kiik, and Morris do their thing..hit Warfield when neccessary and won SB's..Jay's doing the exact same thing..Just as good and defintely better scrambler and picking up 1st downs with his feet..

its becuase he is not sexy. everyone loves the sexy QB. me, i just want the win. bob griese was not a sexy QB. and thats when we won the big dance.:p
Originally posted by Muck
Amber has always been my favorite. She is a total goddess. I stood face to face with her last summer. Oh my God

were you embarrased about the bulge below?:lol:
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