Athlon Sports 2010 MIAMI DOLPHINS PREVIEW | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums


People on here get way too upset over how external sources rate this team, from Madden to online columnists. I don't ever really care because this isn't college football, where perception and winning a beauty contest counts, everything is measured on the field in this sport. Whether or not they gave Henne an extremely high grade is irrelevant, all that matters is whether or not he can come out and lead us to W's.

People could say whatever they want about this team, if we win football games we make the playoffs, and if we're a good football team, we'll win games. It's that simple.

I can't wait until preseason, when we can start making out 3rd stringers to be future pro bowlers.
...Really? One of the best run blocking lines in the league "MAYBE" gets a B+? Maybe you should go back and reevaluate.

A unit with two new starters, or three if you count Grove coming back from injury. Smiley played well last year when healthy, and its not a given that his replacement will do better. There are still a lot of unknowns on this offensive line.
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