B. Leftwich threw for 366 yards and 2 TD's | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

B. Leftwich threw for 366 yards and 2 TD's

I am worried about this one. Not much about the run as the pass. That QB is hungry and he wants to win lotsa games.
Weren't the Fins destroyed 62-7 the last time these two teams played?
Originally posted by Samphin
This reminds me of a classic Trap game. Coming off of a hige and tough road win against a top team to one of the bottom feeders of the league. Miami is notorius to blowing it in trap games. I feared Jacksonville for this reason and paid extra attention to this game. Leftwich, Smith and Taylor have potential to be as potent as any other trio in the league. Miami's D needs to keep on keeping on. I am not sure how their defense is playing this year but I suspect a heavy dose of Ricky.

I dont see this as a trap game. I think they know perfectly that this game, especially a road game is very important. This veteran team is different and they are not taking anything lightly. u could bring up Houston but we are passed that and i think we basically got ripped off on that game.
Speaking of Houston....Is it possible that Wannstedt let the team over look the Texans knowing that in the long run that a loss might not be such a bad thing? Now, don't go off about how NO coach would intentenally lose a game, that's not my point. The point is that maybe Wannstedt sensed the over confidence going into that game and just let it ride to show the team that they aren't nothing until the scorebord says they are something.

Back to the subject, lesson learned. I don't think this team will over look any opponent after what happened to them against Houston.
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