If I were the jets I wouldn't be too worried either way. The jets really are in the catbird seat from their perspective. Then can lose the next two weeks and STILL own their own destiny no matter what else happens. They only have one loss in the division and everyone else but us has two or more so if they stay within one game of us in the W/L record they still control what happens to them.
From our view we are the 2nd best off b/c we to control what happens as of right now. But if I was a jet fan I would rather the pats to win b/c then the jets would be the only team to own their own destiny.
People are making too much out of the tenn/NY game. That really doesn't help us at all. Even if the jets lost to the titians and donkeys and we beat both the pats and rams all that would do is put them where we are now, which really isn't that bad. At this point the worse they can do is be playing for the division the last game of the year. If they are not either playing for or have wrapped up the division by the last game it will have to had been a total colapse. And I really don't see that. We are much more likely to lose a game that will end our dreams than they are.
The important thing is we are here talking about what it will take to make the playoffs rather than talking about who we should draft with our first overall pick. How sweet is life. Sometimes it takes a year like last year to make you appreciate just being in the hunt.