Becomes Obvious: Henne, J Allen, Spec Teams, Coaching | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Becomes Obvious: Henne, J Allen, Spec Teams, Coaching


Pro Bowler
Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
Henne: He consistently throws behind or behind and low. Now it is translating into major mishap rather than incomplete passes. I don't see him as the future, which is likely the strongest thing I have ever stated, because I would like him to be. And that is a major blow unless you get a proven guy to replace him. He can have good games but I am not sure he will develop in to what is really needed. Why did he throw the first interception, 82 was wide open right behind the intended receiver, and you would think he might notice that since both receivers were in the same vision line on the field.

Jason Allen: You can't be falling down that much, he can not be counted on. He finally had his chance and he has blown it. He directly cost us 21 points in the last two weeks IMO.

Marshall: Great! What a block for Ricky. I know lets wait to the second half to use him. Wait that is coaching. The same coaches that were calling dink and dunks down three scores.

Coaching: has to be suspect at this point. You have to step back and ask the questions. As a team, it has to be done and there is actually NO arguing that it should be done. And if it is not done, it just ain't being advertised. I did like some of the defensive calls. the defensive calling that held them to their first field goal was great chess.

Special Teams: No one would care to hear about the obvious. Was that Long with two guys blowing by him on the special teams Gaffe. Love that guy, hated seeing that one. Left Tackle is the one 1st round pick I agreed with. Is that coaching, him getting left in that position?

Tragic, there are so many good pieces in Miami. So many. It really comes down to coaching I guess. the decision to play Allen is a coaching decision. QB we can only hope he can some how change fairly substantially or we will be set back again because he does not have a challenger on the roster now.
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