minus said:Feeley should start because at least he has accuracy.I know the guy panics in the pocket but is not like Frerotte shown he is that much better than Feeley.
Dolphann4life said:I hate some of the decisions Feeley has made.....certainly panics when he gets a little pressure in the pocket..... Frerotte shown he can get rid of the ball....and has a cannon....If A.J starts i'll back him up and hope he does well.....Anyways we did give up a 2nd for him so we need to know if this guy can be productive
minus said:Feeley should start because at least he has accuracy.I know the guy panics in the pocket but is not like Frerotte shown he is that much better than Feeley.
finfan54 said:I have no problem starting Feeley. I just wonder what the hell Saban is going to do when he sees an INT for a TD for the other team. He's not going to like that. gus doesnt throw INT's to the other team, that is what people will miss.
SkapePhin said:Finally coming around to reality I see.. Kudos, hopefully more of the "haters" will take this same rational approach.. It astounds me that the old "haters" are so fervently sticking with Frerotte, a renowned and long-standing mediocre QB who is doing nothing to dismiss that legacy of mediocrity.
Blind Faith said:He has shown poise and a better ability to see what the defense is comming at him with. I noticed on the touchdown play he communicated well with his recievers to make route adjustments based on the D. I saw that a few times last night. I do not believe he will start based on Saban and Linihans comments in the PC. I wonder what they are seeing to continue to put the season on the line with Frerotte? I'd really like to see AJ get a shot at staritng next game but doesnt look likely. We better get ready to be Guskateers! Good luck buddy.
SkapePhin said:Ya, he just fumbles for a TD.. Thats so much better...