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Calm Down


Active Roster
Apr 24, 2018
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Portland, OR
First of all. I have to agree with the posters that have pointed out this staff is doing a hell of a job with this team. Second of all, not having the best pick possible does suck. But do not panic about QB. As some posters have pointed out, QB and all other players drafted are a grab bag/gamble. Going on rating, (not a fan of QBR)...only 2 QB's in the top 19 were drafted before pick 10. The bottom 14 have 10 QB's drafted before pick 10! Relax, enjoy the ride, and let this staff do it's thing. The reason I even started liking this team as a child was because of Marino (pick 27), Clayton (pick 223), and Duper (pick 52). The important thing is, that this staff has this very underwhelming collection of talent believing and playing very well.
First of all. I have to agree with the posters that have pointed out this staff is doing a hell of a job with this team. Second of all, not having the best pick possible does suck. But do not panic about QB. As some posters have pointed out, QB and all other players drafted are a grab bag/gamble. Going on rating, (not a fan of QBR)...only 2 QB's in the top 19 were drafted before pick 10. The bottom 14 have 10 QB's drafted before pick 10! Relax, enjoy the ride, and let this staff do it's thing. The reason I even started liking this team as a child was because of Marino (pick 27), Clayton (pick 223), and Duper (pick 52). The important thing is, that this staff has this very underwhelming collection of talent believing and playing very well.
First of all. I have to agree with the posters that have pointed out this staff is doing a hell of a job with this team. Second of all, not having the best pick possible does suck. But do not panic about QB. As some posters have pointed out, QB and all other players drafted are a grab bag/gamble. Going on rating, (not a fan of QBR)...only 2 QB's in the top 19 were drafted before pick 10. The bottom 14 have 10 QB's drafted before pick 10! Relax, enjoy the ride, and let this staff do it's thing. The reason I even started liking this team as a child was because of Marino (pick 27), Clayton (pick 223), and Duper (pick 52). The important thing is, that this staff has this very underwhelming collection of talent believing and playing very well.
Seems people still cant grasp that. Even when shown facts on some of the other posts. Oh well, I do stand behind what you're saying though.
I find that many fans often look to a few players as hero's that will turn a team around.

I give you the Patriots as the best possible example of a balanced team with excellent coaching will win out against teams with two or three hero's, and do so more consistently and over a longer period of time.

It seems fans forget this is the ultimate team sport.
I find that many fans often look to a few players as hero's that will turn a team around.

I give you the Patriots as the best possible example of a balanced team with excellent coaching will win out against teams with two or three hero's, and do so more consistently and over a longer period of time.
Exactly, people get fixated on one player they think is the best. Thats their hero, I respect their opinion, but they are so closed minded that there may be another player that can elevate this team. Its that one player or bust in their eyes. Like Tua for example, or Burrow, it has the entire forum so divided.
Yep no reason to panic for qb after two decades of not having one. Eventually one will drop into our laps. Good thing that cocaine rumor helped Marino slide to us otherwise we might be having a discussion of not having a qb for 36 years.
You just proved the point. We don't need the #1 pick to get our QB

Maybe it helps maybe it doesn't matter.
No team goes far without a good QB.

Unless we plan on trading a 2nd for Minshew or Kyle Allen, we need to be careful.

Luckily there are 4 qbs in this draft with top potential.
Going on rating, (not a fan of QBR)...only 2 QB's in the top 19 were drafted before pick 10. The bottom 14 have 10 QB's drafted before pick 10
This logic is flawed... You're implying these players pick themselves and all end up in the same situation. This is not the case. Reality is GMs make mistakes and the way things are set up, bad teams get to pick 1st.

I dont think Im being way off making the basic assumption that teams who get to pick first have some flaws in the FO, CS and roster overall. In other words, the fact so many early picks bust is not a reflection of the value of draft picks, it just showcases how much bad teams make terrible decisions with them on top of having those selections playing on bad teams.

Saying its all a gamble anyway is such a lazy cop out IMO...
5 actually. I would rather try to get Brissett as a FA. But wasn't Minshew a 6th round pick and Allen was undrafted?
First of all. I have to agree with the posters that have pointed out this staff is doing a hell of a job with this team. Second of all, not having the best pick possible does suck. But do not panic about QB. As some posters have pointed out, QB and all other players drafted are a grab bag/gamble. Going on rating, (not a fan of QBR)...only 2 QB's in the top 19 were drafted before pick 10. The bottom 14 have 10 QB's drafted before pick 10! Relax, enjoy the ride, and let this staff do it's thing. The reason I even started liking this team as a child was because of Marino (pick 27), Clayton (pick 223), and Duper (pick 52). The important thing is, that this staff has this very underwhelming collection of talent believing and playing very well.

Yeah we’ll said specially bout Marino, Clayton and Dupes it was during my time as a kid but the Marino pick didn’t have a storey behind it
LOve the autocorrect, There was a reason why el legendio Marino was picked at 27
My logic is sound. You are exactly right about one thing. These teams draft a QB and have a poor team. I have been saying to build the lines, D backfield, and then worry about QB. We have a ton of picks to fix the core. I would rather ride with Rosen, than tank with Tua.
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