Can we plese bring in Nails for insurance? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Can we plese bring in Nails for insurance?


Pro Bowler
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
Even if he's a back up, he'd be a good insurance policy - as he can play both guard spots. Let him come in and compete NOW for the RG spot with Jerman. The longer we wait the less likely it is that Nails will come in in shape.

Get him in here.

Also, we need a good blocking fullback to back up Konrad. I don't believe Sammy Morris is the answer. Can Leonard Henry play Fullback? If so, then move him there so we can keep Fred Russel as our third RB.

As for the receiver position, I think we're all in agreement here: Muhammad or Terrel, or go with the guys we've got.
I agree with you about Nails. He may be back in the shape he was 2 years ago. Give him an incentive based contract. I am not sure I agree about Morris. He is said to be a great blocking back who can run a bit also.
I am torn on this issue. As much as I did like Nails two years ago, he did not play that well last year. Even at the end of the year when he thought he was back up to par.

My guess is that the coaching staff is going to wait and see how our line looks once the pads are on and decide from there. You have to realize that he has not gotten that much interest as a FA, so we are really not in much of a hurry to sign him.
I would hope if there was any doubt about the guard position they would bring someone in.
Didn't know that about Morris. Is he really a blocking type of back. If so, it gives me a little hope. I thought he was just a straight pass catching type. If Konrad goes down, we need a good blocker in there to clear some holes. Anybody remember Morris from Buffalo? Was he a good blocker?
Regarding Nails: The poll on this forum earlier indicated around 85% of the respondents agreed with you. There must be something more to this story than we know. Like a medical report that Nails doesn't want let out and the team is not allowed to let out??? Maybe??

Regarding the blocking FB: Perhaps one of the undrafted FA's like Moa, if he makes the team, could block in an all big back line-up or in a pinch if Konrad goes down. He played some FB in college.
I went to middle school and high school with Sammy and grew up just up the street from him. We played basketball everyday and played some street football a bit. I lost contact with him once I graduated high school (I was 2 years ahead of him), but I believe he ended up playing QB his senior year in HS. That landed him at Texas Tech where he had some academic trouble. He eventually got that straight (I know his Dad probably had something to do with that) and he was back on the team as a leader.

I had no clue he was in the NFL until I saw him in the game against the 'Phins back in '99 I believe. Buffalo was driving down in the 4th quarter to score and Sammy was getting some time. He ran a sweep to the right getting into the redzzone. As he was going down he fumbled it to either Brock or Madison (I can't remember whoi exactly) and it allowed us to kill the clock for the win.

Since that moment I always tried to watch the Buffalo games at the local bar here in Dallas (has a huge 15-20 person Buffalo group) and support Sammy. Of course that was unless he played us. Now that Sammy is on the 'Phins it makes me support my neighborhood buddy even more.

Watching Sammy the past few years, I can say he's a good fullback with the versatility to play RB if needed. He's not a strict blocking FB like Deon Dyer, but he knows where to be and will make the first block.

He sure has gotten a lot bigger since we used to play basketball though. We played on a friend's ajustable rim and would put it at about 8.5 or 9 feet and I'd dunk over him. :D I'm sure he'd kick my butt now, so if Sammy gets reads or gets a copy of this, "Sorry Bro! Just having to show how small you used to be." Wonder if Luis still has those videos of our dunk contests, damn those would be funny now.

Anyway, I will support Sammy not only because of my old friendship with him, but because of his great skills. He's another special teams ace that will contribute a lot!
Truth be told, if he was likely going to be an effective player he would be in camp. The FO obviously believes his body is so broken down that he cannot be relied upon.

I loved the guy, but it is time to move on. My guess is Nails dissapears and fades into the black of our memories.
Oboy said:
I am torn on this issue. As much as I did like Nails two years ago, he did not play that well last year. Even at the end of the year when he thought he was back up to par.

My guess is that the coaching staff is going to wait and see how our line looks once the pads are on and decide from there. You have to realize that he has not gotten that much interest as a FA, so we are really not in much of a hurry to sign him.

Well, the Fins expected way too much from Nails last yr, IMO. Ten months is not long enough to fully recover from achilles surgery. It is closer to 18 mos, if even then. But i would like to have him back with an incentive laden deal.
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