Chat Times? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Chat Times?

What would be a good time range?

  • 6pm - 7pm

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • 8pm - 9pm

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • 9pm - 10pm

    Votes: 7 70.0%

  • Total voters


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
What would be a good time for chats off the boards? I will make a poll on times, then you reply with days (Mon thru Sun).

I would like Sundays....

Let me know
I would think Sundays around 9-10. Can't at 8 because you can't be online and watch the Simpsons (best show on TV) at the same time.
So long as I get to watch "Hee Haw", I don't care what time the chat is. Buck Owens and Roy Clark are 2 prime-time pimp-daddy play'az.:cool:
I think 9-10pm EST on Sunday would be fair to our MST and PST friends, as long as they don't mind chatting during dinnertime. :) What if the Dolphins play on Sunday or Monday nights????
i voted for 9-10 est!

that would make it 6-7 pst. any weekend night is good. friday and saturday people like to party, so that leaves sunday. one day is as good as another for me, but the times are what counts!
Sundays seem like the best days for everyone.Any time in the evening works for me.
Thanks Dolfan06. Its nice to finally find a great chat place for us fans and especially for me since I live out of state.
you're closer to florida than i am!

Originally posted by MarSly
Thanks Dolfan06. Its nice to finally find a great chat place for us fans and especially for me since I live out of state.
but you're right. this is the best board i have found, it has so many options. it has helped me a lot, i really don't know the money end of the game so much and there are some very knowledgeable people on this board!;)
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