Cheerleader Of The Week: Gina | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Cheerleader Of The Week: Gina

Originally posted by Agua
heh... with the backdrop behind her she looks to be about 500 feet tall. :p

Okay well..she has certainly come a long way since that photo!!
LOL no matter how bad some of them look in pictures I'm 99% percent sure they are all smoking hot in person. Even if the face needs work you know those bodies rock that I'm not at the office and I am on a computer which can actually perform such demanding tasks such as .... oh ... displaying more than 16 colors, I have to ask; what is it about Gina that you guys think isn't so hot? She looks pretty damned good to me.

she's alright, but she is not as good as some of the others
Am I the only one who thinks she kinda looks like Grace Slick with a blonde wig? ;)
she is not as hot of lots of the other Phins cheerleaders, but w/b for any others teams'. Maybe its because she is 27 years old.


Remember: “Never frown even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile!â€Â
Originally posted by dolphan39
Here is a nice pix of Gina:

now you have to have 2 reason why you love her ;)

27 years old you say? WOW..what an old geezer. She should be in a nursing home. Those teeth must not be hers, surely by the time you reach the ripe old age of 27 you are wearing dentures by then. Must be hard for her to dance with a cane. Poor thing.
Originally posted by brech10
something is desproportionate about her face, its actually sort of spooky

Common female Itallian features: nose, lips, eyes. She just looks Itallian to me. Looks pretty hot as far as I'm concerned.
Originally posted by brech10
something is desproportionate about her face, its actually sort of spooky
something is disproportionate, but it is not her face :evil:
I would love to have Gina for Dinna (or desert). Mmm Mmm good!
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