Could Junior Seau stay through 2006? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Could Junior Seau stay through 2006?


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May 20, 2002
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Everyone knows the only reason Seau came to Miami was in search of the ever elusive SB ring.. Unfortuantely for him, he came during the incompetant Wanny era.. Now that Saban is here, there might be some hope for him to get his ring in 2006, IF a successful QB is in place for that season, whether it be Feeley or someone else..

So, if Seau has a decent year this season, what are the chances that Saban would keep him on for the 2006 season? Could Saban do for Seau what BB did for Harrison?
If he has a good season and stays healthy I could see him sticking around for another year. Especially if he is willing to take a pay cut, and perhaps accept a slightly reduced role. Im looking forward to seeing what Seau can do in Sabans defense.
Seau is the man! Lets keep him around as long as he wants. I hope he ends up a LB coach for the Fins when he hangs up his pads.
DonShula84 said:
If he has a good season and stays healthy I could see him sticking around for another year. Especially if he is willing to take a pay cut, and perhaps accept a slightly reduced role. Im looking forward to seeing what Seau can do in Sabans defense.
:yeahthat: That's the only way I could see Junior play another year. I personally feel that this would be his last season though.
I think Saban will leave that up to Seau, whether he wants to play another year with a low salary, because he fits into the Saban system im sure, and it doesn't huirt to have a leader on the field like Say Ow!
Seau's got the heart, if his body's ready, he'll play another year. He's got invaluable experience, something every coach needs.
lmfao the pic in ur sig wit Ronnie is the funniest thing i have ever seen right next to the animation of the jiggling fat kid
Yeah I 2nd the Seau for coach comment....he can teach the younger guys the linebacker position and maybe teach them about playing with intensity.
I really dont see Seau here in 2006, its nothing against Junior its just that we have added alot of young talent at LB. Spragan may step up and be a very good player, then you have Zach(not young but good none the less), Crowder, Moore, and Pope. Now I realize that some of these guys dont really fit the new system so we will have to see if some of them are let go.
Only way Seau stays is if he is healthy all year, plays very well, and accepts a massive pay cut. All 3 won't happen so I say bye bye Seau in 2006. Would make a great coach though.
I would love to see him stay. He does not have an outrageous contract and he shows leadership and heart constantly. He is probably a great role model for the younger players and can give them invaluable advice.
I hope he stays. He's better than most young LB's.
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