Daunte's Rehab - Any New News?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Daunte's Rehab - Any New News??


Feb 28, 2004
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Colorado Springs, CO
Just another thread to get us off the Nick/Alabama talk...one that may have gotten lost here lately...

Has anyone heard anything new on Daunte's rehab? I know there was discussion throughout saying that (paraphrasing) "when March rolls around, Daunte will be back to rehabbing, yada, yada, yada..."

Are we to assume that he hasn't been doing much to date, or that he's forgoing anything strenuous until more 'organized' rehab can take place with the Dolphins, in their facility?

Isn't the premise that the NFL is a year-round deal now, and there really isn't a true 'off-season?'

The players who have undergone the grueling realities of a full season (with pre-season included) will be going through some downtime to rest their weary bodies. But since DC doesn't really fall into that category, I'd be interested in other's opinions on what DC may be going through at this point in time, whether he's progressing satisfactorily, and whether he might be doing things the RIGHT WAY this time vice 'rushing' back as before (which proved to be horrible for all concerned).

If any of you have some insight as to what players in his situation might be going through at this point in the Dolphins' calendar year, that would be most appreciated.

Here's hoping for a renewed committment to winning football in Miami in 2007...

Happy New Year everyone!!
Just another thread to get us off the Nick/Alabama talk...one that may have gotten lost here lately...

Has anyone heard anything new on Daunte's rehab? I know there was discussion throughout saying that (paraphrasing) "when March rolls around, Daunte will be back to rehabbing, yada, yada, yada..."

Are we to assume that he hasn't been doing much to date, or that he's forgoing anything strenuous until more 'organized' rehab can take place with the Dolphins, in their facility?

Isn't the premise that the NFL is a year-round deal now, and there really isn't a true 'off-season?'

The players who have undergone the grueling realities of a full season (with pre-season included) will be going through some downtime to rest their weary bodies. But since DC doesn't really fall into that category, I'd be interested in other's opinions on what DC may be going through at this point in time, whether he's progressing satisfactorily, and whether he might be doing things the RIGHT WAY this time vice 'rushing' back as before (which proved to be horrible for all concerned).

If any of you have some insight as to what players in his situation might be going through at this point in the Dolphins' calendar year, that would be most appreciated.

Here's hoping for a renewed committment to winning football in Miami in 2007...

Happy New Year everyone!!

DC wont start rehabing again until march by then saban may be gone and he may be following him
Culpepper has been off crutches for weeks, and says he "feels great." He's walking without a noticeable limp.

It looks like the arthroscopic surgery did the trick.
how so? what risk?

The risk that he will not fully recover from the injury. When March rolls around there will be a very small window between work outs and the draft to determine whether Culpepper is, or will be, recovered from the injury enough to be effective. Given that practicing without pads, not getting hit, and not in any true game situations, it will be very hard to determine where Culpepper stands. It would be a pretty big gamble to assume he will be the same Culpepper that was a pro bowler in 2004. If we make the gamble, and Culpepper is not ready, then we essentially throw away next season too.
Also, Saban mentioned it during the press conference today and he didn't sound very confident at all and even mentioned having to re-evaluate the QB position because of the reasons I mentioned.

:dolphins: I heard that they want him to take it easy for a month or so. This will enable the area that was worked on to heal up and allow Daunte to re-hab at full strength. Basically they're worried that if he is working out (and he feels soreness in the area) he might hurt something else while trying to compensate.
The risk that he will not fully recover from the injury. When March rolls around there will be a very small window between work outs and the draft to determine whether Culpepper is, or will be, recovered from the injury enough to be effective. Given that practicing without pads, not getting hit, and not in any true game situations, it will be very hard to determine where Culpepper stands. It would be a pretty big gamble to assume he will be the same Culpepper that was a pro bowler in 2004. If we make the gamble, and Culpepper is not ready, then we essentially throw away next season too.

i wasnt sure what you were saying, but now that i do i agree. we gambled on him this year and i dont want to do the same next year.
i strongly believe that dc and saban are so tightly connected that if saban goes then the new coach will probably find a way to get rid of daunte.
i also think that DCs health will play a role in sabans decision to leave.
yeah...he won't be ready for mini's in March/April...means he's not gonna be ready, for, well...who knows...!
yeah...he won't be ready for mini's in March/April...means he's not gonna be ready, for, well...who knows...!

Wrong. He will be ready in March. Where do you get your info from?
yo by..that was reported last week (actually just before the Christmas game)...just because he made it from the suite to the booth don't make him ready to get from the sidelines, to the endzones...you wanna tie your line to that lure baby, then be my guest...fish on brudda...
Culpepper has been off crutches for weeks, and says he "feels great." He's walking without a noticeable limp.

It looks like the arthroscopic surgery did the trick.

he said the same thing earlier this year
Saban addressed it in his presser, he said we can't depend on Daunte at this point because he's injured and we don't know if he will recover so i'm sure he has something in mind to cover his behind going into next year. The way he was talking up continuity at the QB position it sounded like keeping Harrington for next year as well but who knows...heck we don't even know for sure if Nick will be here next year.

One thing is certain, and that is that nothing is certain :lol:
Aye Aye Aye. Well if Saban stays, Harrington and DC will stay. And if they stay Cleo will prolly cheese it outta here for a better deal elsewhere. Then there will be an open camp for QB and it should be interesting and we should still be in decent shape if that goes down.

Given that Saban makes the upgrades he needs to at O - Line, DB's and WR, we have two "Capable" QB's as long as we don't make a mistake by starting the wrong one. Hopefully DC gets Healthy and can return to greatness. But if he doesn't and we realize it during camp/preseason, then we go with Harrington - who I believe we shoulda started this year and we woulda made wildcard - and he can get us through the season even if he doesn't improve, which I am sure he will.
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