I sure hope the reports are true,,,love to see karma work its magic,,,i wish no harm on anyone but the things he did,,,{for example:let alabama bring its alabama 18 wheeler into miami and move his house,,that was disrepectful to us,,,his wife saying when she got off the plane in alabama that "it took a long time for us to get out of there but we finally made it",that was disrepectful.
The most disrepectful thing he did was not thanking the fans for his support,not apologizing for his premature departure,,he did'nt even acknowledge us.
don't mess with us,,i tell ya, i hate the media more than anything but i think they were upset as to how they were treated by saban and this was there way of getting back at him. KARMA IS A MOFO
The most disrepectful thing he did was not thanking the fans for his support,not apologizing for his premature departure,,he did'nt even acknowledge us.
don't mess with us,,i tell ya, i hate the media more than anything but i think they were upset as to how they were treated by saban and this was there way of getting back at him. KARMA IS A MOFO