Do you think coaches play Madden on their offtime to practice gameday calling? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Do you think coaches play Madden on their offtime to practice gameday calling?


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May 20, 2002
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I think it would be pretty good practice as long as you have it on All-Madden.
I know a lot of collegiate and NFL players play it to stay sharp mentally during the offseason......
Yeah, I have heard that Fred Taylor plays Madden something like 10 hours a day in the offseason.
Its like having to watch porn when you're having some down time.
I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds like a diss on Madden. Have you played it? If not, don't diss until you've played me and got you @$$ kicked......:D
Who are you, his representitive?
Put down the joystick and step away.:lol:
LMAO. Nah, I'm just an avid Madden player. Its as close as I get to football during the offseason......
Originally posted by SkapePhin
I think it would be pretty good practice as long as you have it on All-Madden.


Not dissing here.... It's just a funny thought..
Coaches have LONG hours both during the season and the offseason. If they do play it's probably just for fun.
I'll bet you 20 bucks the Ho ran a better pass route then anyone on our roster outside of Chambers
LOL! I was wondering the same thing.

Collier needs to log in some bigtime hours in the game room...I mean practice his play calling skills in a timely fashion. :hmmm:
Maybe it could be handy for them to develop new plays and then see it demonstrated through Madden.
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