Wanne has indicated he expects him to play.Originally posted by Capt. Dick
Has Dixon given any indication of what his plans are??
Originally posted by dolphan39
Wanne has indicated he expects him to play.
what kinda cap hit would that be ? :goof:Originally posted by Capt. Dick
His wife doesn`t want him to play. SHE might have to be released. :)
Originally posted by dolphan39
what kinda cap hit would that be ? :goof:
Originally posted by Phinmaster1354
I like Dixon!! He is one of the most underrated lineman in the league! I am glad to hear he is coming back!
i hear ya - but why should Rodgers re-neg unless he is being threated w/being cut, which he is not ?Originally posted by Phinmaster1354
I know I am a minority in this opinion but I think the PHINS need to address the WILL linebacker! RODGERS is getting paid too much to play at his caliber! He just doesn't make enough plays to warrant his salary! He should at least take a paycut or restructure his contract! That's the least he can do,since he is the weak link in a solid defense and a player that rarely makes plays!
Originally posted by Phinmaster1354
I am also so PSYCHED on the RE-signing of Brock "IMPACT PLAYER" Marion!! His reupping with the PHINS really solidifies that unit and keeps them together, which means they are only gonna get better! I know I am a minority in this opinion but I think the PHINS need to address the WILL linebacker! RODGERS is getting paid too much to play at his caliber! He just doesn't make enough plays to warrant his salary! He should at least take a paycut or restructure his contract! That's the least he can do,since he is the weak link in a solid defense and a player that rarely makes plays!