finally the guys leading the miami dolphins finally get it...this team needs help they need to get younger and faster.big daddy is gone to denver for a 6th round pick in 7 days the patriots can have wes welker for a second round pick that's a steal for us a win win mcmike for a 3rd round pick is yet another good deal for us.this all spells brady quinn i believe the hiring of terry shea a few weeks back who is currently working with quinn in arizona coupled with gathering a few extra draft picks one so far two pending and who knows maybe more to come..we now have the power to move up three spots or more and grab our franchise qb in brady quinn this kid is going to be great and why not be great in miami where we have not had a solid qb since dannyboy's been a long long time coming we must answer the bell and make all dolfans happy across the globe.we also can now sign jerry porter with a little more salary cap space now!GO DOLPHINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bighug: