Embrace, Emphasize, Or Ignore The Dolphins 24 Year Long Playoff Drought? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Embrace, Emphasize, Or Ignore The Dolphins 24 Year Long Playoff Drought?


Active Roster
Dec 4, 2022
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san diego
McDaniel's strategy is to emphasize it. Is this the right strategy? I would ignore, but I am quite gifted at procrastinating and repressing things. Maybe it is a generational issue? No doubt my wife would prefer the McDaniel approach :)

At any rate is putting the elephant in the room front and center the right thing to do? Or does it focus the team too much on the past which cannot be changed, in addition to having nothing to do with most of the players on the team? Is this the wrong thing to focus on and does it create the wrong kind of pressure?

I guess we will find out!

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McDaniel's strategy is to emphasize it. Is this the right strategy? I would ignore, but I am quite gifted at procrastinating and repressing things. Maybe it is a generational issue? I would feel a lot better if they can win the division and get a home playoff game, so that comes first in the order of operations. I think we will start to get clues along the way, including how they play against better teams, on the road, and how they finish the year as well. I would also like to see a little more toughness and a little less finesse during the regular season (ergo can we stuff it down the opponents throat with regularity on 3rd and 1, or do we call a triple lindy). I guess we will find out!

Thanks for sharing.
I like the idea of making the organization (players, coaches, and others in the building) well aware of the narrative throughout the year. This way nobody in the organization is caught off guard emotionally when the moment arises at the end of the season and hopefully into the post-season.
It is a clever way of making everyone accountable throughout the entire season.
I never dwell on the past. The fact they haven’t won a playoff game in over 20 years is irrelevant to me. There is nothing I can do to change history.

I root for the Dolphins win, lose, or draw. Hopefully they will make the playoffs and go on to win the SB this coming season. Yet if they don’t I will just look forward to the 2025 season and all the seasons to follow.

The reality is that every season there are 31 losers and just one winner. Fortunately I was around to watch the Dolphins be the winners twice in the early 1970’s. Hopefully I will see them win it all again before I’m worm food but even if I don’t, I have appreciated all the excitement the Dolphin organization has given me since I became a Dolphin fan in 1966.
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A lot of the players weren’t even born the last time we won a playoff game. I think it’s kind of lame and I don’t think the players care because it has nothing to do with them. But you do have to make it a point that we must win a playoff game this year at a minimum
I never dwell on the past. The fact they haven’t won a playoff game in over 20 years is irrelevant to me. There is nothing I can do to change history.

I root for the Dolphins win, lose, or draw. Hopefully they will make the playoffs and go on to win the SB this coming season. Yet if they don’t I will just look forward to the 2025 season and all the seasons to follow.

The reality is that every season there are 31 losers and just one winner. Fortunately I was around to watch the Dolphins be the winners twice in the early 1970’s. Hopefully I will see them win it all again before I’m worm food but even if I don’t, I have appreciated all excitement the Dolphin organization has given me since I became a Dolphin fan in 1966.
I agree 100% 72. Thumbs up!
Let them know, especially after a victory, this is still what you are to the world.

A push is not enough. A one & done is not enough. 7 & 0? 10 & 0? Not enough.

They have A LONG way to go to make the Miami Dolphins legitimate again.

Pray to God the billboard material boils some egos & maybe someone gets riled enough to devour Josh Allen.
It's a new season.

I don't care what happened last year. You won a SB? Great...so what ...that was last year. You lost them all? Sucks. That was last year.

This year is this year and you focus on your job and whats in front of you.

Sure you look back to correct mistakes in your craft and improve...but whether you lost 1 or all games last year...its the past.

Live in the now...prepare for the now... and be ready to destroy what lies ahead of you NOW.
It's a new season.

I don't care what happened last year. You won a SB? Great...so what ...that was last year. You lost them all? Sucks. That was last year.

This year is this year and you focus on your job and whats in front of you.

Sure you look back to correct mistakes in your craft and improve...but whether you lost 1 or all games last year...its the past.

Live in the now...prepare for the now... and be ready to destroy what lies ahead of you NOW.

Love the message & the positivity, brother but to ignore history is to repeat it so say greater men of names I'm not educated enough to cite.

Small example: if the atrocious game-management persists, we obviously didn't do our homework of identifying the problem in order to fix it.

Use the past, Luke.
Like anything else McD says publicly I will wonder if that's his actual narrative behind closed doors, in the locker room and on the practice field. It is almost cliche for half the teams to start the season planning for a deep playoff run even if only a few do it each year. What should be emphasized is not ignoring conditioning and not doing stupid stuff that can get players injured and derail those arguably legitimate hopes for this squad.
McDaniel's strategy is to emphasize it. Is this the right strategy? I would ignore, but I am quite gifted at procrastinating and repressing things. Maybe it is a generational issue? No doubt my wife would prefer the McDaniel approach :)

At any rate is putting the elephant in the room front and center the right thing to do? Or does it focus the team too much on the past which cannot be changed, in addition to having nothing to do with most of the players on the team? Is this the wrong thing to focus on and does it create the wrong kind of pressure?

I guess we will find out!

I'm good with team taking umbrage with the fact that it's been freaking 24 years. They should because they are the ones that can fix it. Let's just make sure that we don't blow our load on just that one playoff win though and keep the gas pedal welded to the floor to get to and win the big dance. Then let's go do it again next season.

What I do hate is the cold hand fallacy thoughts that are retched out by some fans. The whole because we have not won one in so long, that it will continue and since you have been a fan through it all, that your whining matters. Those fans should take up hand grenade juggling.
**** yeah it's the right thing to do. Put that **** in their faces. Rub their noses in that **** and make them prove to themselves they earned that ****!
I like it. No longer is making the playoffs the minimum acceptable standard - we are not here to qualify...

Ya especially when 7 teams make the playoffs. It’s not an accomplishment to be a one and done wild card team. Considering the resources we’ve used to get to this point, it’s silly to brag about going to the playoffs two years in a row as a sign of progress.
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