Scout Team
I wouldn't mind "Best Texas poster" or something like "Best poster who join a long time ago and his computer sucks so FinHeaven wouldn't work and only recently got a new computer now he is addicted Award"
Man, I should have abandoned my social life earlier and started posting more often months ago. Then I'd be eligible for something. Ha ha!
Wait....I haven't really had a social life since September 4th....but I digress...
I suppose I'm in the running for "Finheaven's Resident Smart*** Award?"
OK, I want an honorary award for best signature since it's me flipping off Fav-re. If I can get it to work.
You should have heard the other people in the room crack up when I announced that I needed a picture of me flipping off the jersey. :)
How about "Most Enthusiastic Avatar"?
Someone please give this gal an award for flipping off Brett Favres jersey.
That just flat out rocks!!!!!!!!!!
How about "Most Enthusiastic Avatar"?
<---Most disciplinary PM's from administrators?
Not even close.
<---Most disciplinary PM's from administrators?