Practice Squad
If you go to,and go to the little movie clips on the right side,click "NFL",and look for the clip titled,"Whos Stock Is Rising".At first,Todd said that Miami will try to trade out of the pick,which Im not opposed too.However,if Miami can't,he said Bill Parcells and Sparano will have to decide if John Beck is the Franchise QB.Todd went on to say he thinks Ryan is special,as I do,and that Ryan is a future Franchise QB.But he said if they do think Beck is the right man for the job,than Jake Long is the most likey pick,which Im not opposed too.Jake is a monster,6'7",315,proto-typical size,strength and technique.Todd thinks Jake can be an amazing LT in this league,and every QB need a great LT,and it seems like Jake can be that guy.IMO,every since Vernon was drafted,he hasn't been the answer at LT,and we dont really have a pure LT.I would love to have either Ryan or Jake.A lot of people are saying draft Long or Dorsey.Our defense doesn't need as much help as our offense does,Todd McShay said also....