Does anybody have any insight as to where that kid Crabtree is going to go in the draft, has anyone watched him play and if so, how do you think he'll do at the NFL level? somebody tell me something.
im dorry,I really want him too.But something about Crabtree eats me alive.I was raving about hm after his freshmen year,but reflecting back,I'm a little nervous about him.He plays in a system where IF you get drafted,your either a HIT or a MISS.And m sorry,its just too risky.Crabtress isnt a
safe pick,at least,not as much as Maualuga would be.He plays top notch talent,and stil lputs up those huge humbers.If Crabtree playeed for lke Ohio State or something, would be absolutely SHOCKED, if we didnt draft him if we had the chance too.But,if we try to build for Henne,and he turns into a Mike Williams,when Maualuga should have really been the pick,we'll be kicking ourselves.
bottomline,Id feel MUCH safer with Maualuga first,cause theres still some talented receivers avaible in the second round,such as that receiver from Penn St,or Kelly from Clemson,and way more.