thecoordinator said:who didn't have dallas in this game?
nyjunc said:This week the experts stink but last week when they were on your bandwagon they were ok?
nyjunc said:This week the experts stink but last week when they were on your bandwagon they were ok?
PressCoverage said:talk about preying on their collective failure after the fact!...
it was a phony victory for Washington... they were all correct to pick Dallas, and Dallas blew a game it had in the bag...
PressCoverage said:who mentioned that they were "ok"? or more generalities?.... just curious...
nyjunc said:My biggest fan is back :D
last week when Cris Carter, Peter King, others on Tv were saying nice things and picking you to win everyone was happy and agreed but now you lsoe and some negative stuff comes out they stink. It happens everywhere not just here but it always makes me laugh when people take these predictions so seriously when most of these guys know less than any fan that closely follows his/her team.