Gators likely Peach Bowl bound | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Gators likely Peach Bowl bound

Leak is a NFL type QB, Crowder is a great linebacker but other then that not much talent other the Fason
nick19991 said:
Leak is a NFL type QB, Crowder is a great linebacker but other then that not much talent other the Fason

Behind Fason, DeShawn Wynn and Skyler Thornton are going to be productive backs at UF. I have more faith in Thornton right now, simply because Wynn can't seem to stay healthy or hang on to the ball.

Andre Caldwell, Chad Jackson, and Jemalle Cornelius were all highly-rated WRs coming out of high school.

We've already started to see what Tate Casey can do at TE.

The OL is a little thin, but I still think there's at least some talent there. Randy Hand and Lance Butler are promising, and Mike DeGory's among the best centers in the country. Keep an eye on true freshman Jason Watkins next year.

At DT, Ray McDonald and Marcus Thomas are both talented. Thomas especially so - he committed to FSU, and backed out at the last minute. Individually, McDonald and Thomas are great... but put together, I think they're a little light to play DT. They're "shoot the gap" types, which is why I think teams with bigger OL's are able to push them around a bit.

I'm not thrilled with any of the DE's. Joe Cohen's talented, but he just doesn't get it. Maybe some of the younger guys (Derrick Harvey?) will step up next year.

Aside from Crowder, Brandon Siler is a stud at LB. Earl Everett's a lot like Cohen - talented, but undisciplined.

They're a little thin at corner, but Dee Webb was very highly-rated coming out of high school.

They're also thin at safety, but Kyle Jackson's a stud.

UF clearly had talent this year. What they didn't have was coaching, discpline, and experience. If they bring in a good X's and O's guy next year, the Gators could be VERY good.
there gonna have a tough bowl game cause they get the loser of miami-va. tech on saturday. hopefully miami wins and goes to the sugar bowl but if they lose it will be Brock Berlin finishing his career against the team he started with.
nick19991 said:
Leak is a NFL type QB, Crowder is a great linebacker but other then that not much talent other the Fason
:roflmao: are you serious? Have you seen them play at all this year? So this UNtalented team just went into FSU and beat them? all 4 of their losses have been tight games that were lost in the final minutes due to poor coaching decisions. Meyer is exactly the kind of coach they need because he knows how to finish off his opponent and seal the win.
I'm not thrilled with any of the DE's. Joe Cohen's talented, but he just doesn't get it. Maybe some of the younger guys (Derrick Harvey?) will step up next year.

Cohen is gonna need a little more time being a converted RB.

Leak is a NFL type QB

Not really. He's handicapped by the spread offense. He's very small, not even as big as Vick. He also only possesses an average arm. He's your prototypical lifetime clipboard holder.
SMadison29 said:
He also only possesses an average arm. He's your prototypical lifetime clipboard holder.
It amazes me how many times I hear and read that, yet I've never ever seen him under throw anyone from lack of arm strength and I've seen him make quite a few deep deep extremely accurate throws.
UM vs UF in the peach bowl.
nick19991 said:
Leak is a NFL type QB, Crowder is a great linebacker but other then that not much talent other the Fason

Wrong.Zook was a great recruiter and there are many potential stars waiting in the wings just waiting for their chance.
SpeedRush99 said:
It amazes me how many times I hear and read that, yet I've never ever seen him under throw anyone from lack of arm strength and I've seen him make quite a few deep deep extremely accurate throws.

Arm strength is only slightly measured by how far you throw the ball, it's mainly judged by the zip put on passes.
«©òókîê ߥtë®» said:
Wrong.Zook was a great recruiter and there are many potential stars waiting in the wings just waiting for their chance.
Thanks for clearing that up.
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