Hammerin' Hank Goldberg got HAMMERED! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hammerin' Hank Goldberg got HAMMERED!


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May 20, 2002
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He picked the Patriots to beat Miami 31-10 on ESPN this morning.. I believe he claimed it was his lock of the day or something to that effect..

I expect him to be unusually grumpy on his radio show tommorow.
When I read your title I just knew fat hank was drinking on the job, or should I say got caught drinking on the job.
I though he called it 33-10 NE, either way he's obviously bitter over the new coaching staff, oh well it must suck to have your ability to talk to the Dolphins players cut down a little. Booo frikin hooo!!!!! God give me a break, I'd give my right arm just to spend one afternoon talking to the Dolphin players and coaching staff, Fat Hank is a whiner. He needs to shut his piehole and just stick to the the ponies.
The usually Anti-Dolphin Prisco actually picked Miami to win 20-14. At least someone in the media gave us a shot.

Nice to see Fat Hank open his mouth and insert his foot. (Or in his case, probably a hot dog or two, ok maybe three)
Not only did he come off as stupid with his pick....

But his pick was actually really stupid when you consider the history between the two teams. When you take into consideration the fact (IT IS NOW FACT), that the Fins OWN Brady..how can you make that pick?

As an aside...

Guess what the "Best Value Play of the Year" according to the Vegas Insiders was?

Yep..you guessed it..they considered Miami with the money line as a great bet.

Hank has let his biases cloud his judgement.
SkapePhin said:
He picked the Patriots to beat Miami 31-10 on ESPN this morning.. I believe he claimed it was his lock of the day or something to that effect..

I expect him to be unusually grumpy on his radio show tommorow.

When I heard him pick New England over Miami I knew that Finheaven people would hammer on hank..:lol:
I am sure Randy Cross was really upset with Miami winning today as well...I noticed he was one of the broadcasters today with Dick Enberg...I am glad I was at a sportbar and could not listen to his drivel. :lol: Cross never has anything positive to say about Miami.
he'll find a way to spin it. If you notice, he's never wrong even when he's wrong. Everytime someone calls in about odds. Whenever it's good he always says he picked it. he basically picks all the games so he's always picked a "winner". He's a jerk.
He is an idiot and seems to go against Miami a lot so I could care less what he has to say.
Hank Goldberg is a bitter, fat bag of goo and Randy Cross is a lifelong Dolphin hater. He screws up all the time. In today's game once when the Dolphins had the ball, he said that Miami should run up the middle after Wilfork left the game because Zach Thomas would be exposed...okkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
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