heres the link for yahoo sports--;_ylc=X3oDMTBpZ2NvMjltBF9TAzk1ODYxMDU5BHNlYwN0aA--?slug=ap-draft-drugtests&prov=ap&type=lgns
what gets me is it says he was projected to be a middle to lower round draft pick. it says 3 other guys that tested positive also, maybe it ment they were to be drafted in middle to lower round. i thought hawthorne was a later first to early second pick?;_ylc=X3oDMTBpZ2NvMjltBF9TAzk1ODYxMDU5BHNlYwN0aA--?slug=ap-draft-drugtests&prov=ap&type=lgns
what gets me is it says he was projected to be a middle to lower round draft pick. it says 3 other guys that tested positive also, maybe it ment they were to be drafted in middle to lower round. i thought hawthorne was a later first to early second pick?