I was going to post about Rivers performance but I couldn't get on the site. I don't know if the server was messed up, or there were tons of people posting at the time, the server became remote, yet I could get on any other site. Anyways, I watched Rivers play in part of 1st and to half time, I was about to type how I was impressed with Rivers, but then later a I checked his stats in gamecenter, and suddenly 2ints. He was playing great when I saw him though, he was looking good under pressure, and made nice throws, nice tight spirals, right on targer, the TD was nice, too. He was falling but it wasn't careless or sloppy becuase he threw it to a wide open dude, I think it was sproles which right on, and sproles runs it in. I don't know what the heck happened in the 3rd quarter because I didn't see it, so I don't know how, or what fell apart in his performance, but before that he was looking good.