How much would it cost to trade back into the first round? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How much would it cost to trade back into the first round?


Irish Dolphan
Apr 25, 2010
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As many people on this forum, I'm slightly scared by the Tannehill pick at #8. It could work out great if he develops quickly behind Moore and Garrard next year and then takes the helm. But then again, he could be a head-scratching bust. So in that light, I would love for us to take a solid starter at #8, be it Keuchly, Decastro or someone who surprisingly falls to us (Claiborne/Trich/Blackmon) and draft Weeden with our next pick.

But let's be honest, there's too much talent in Weeden to last until our pick in the second round, so assuming that we couldn't trade down with our 1st round pick to get him, how much would it roughly cost for us to trade back into the late 1st round/very early 2nd?

We have a few holes to fill with this draft, so it's hard for me to validate giving away a ton of picks to grab him, but if it could be done reasonably I'd consider this draft a huge success.
I like your thought process, but he could still fall to us in the 2nd. If Miami passes on Tannehill, it could initiate a situation that happened to Aaron Rogers in his draft, where he falls all the way to the second round. I think Miami is stupid to take Tannehill at #8. The only reason he's being speculated that high at this point is because all the 'experts' are convinced Miami wants him so bad. If Miami balks, that kid will fall harder than BoA stock.
It would cost a 1st next year + one of our 3rds probably, to get into the late 1st.

Basically the unwritten rule on draft trades is whatever round you trade into this year the compensation is = to 1 round higher the next year. To get back into round 2 it would cost us our 2013 1st round pick.
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