Any details on what the procedure was? Surgery sounds bad but it could have been to clear stuff up or shave a bone spur down. Which are not as significant as some other possibilities.
We don't know what the procedure was. I doubt it was anything as minimal as a arthroscopic debridement given the knee brace. If the knee brace is locked at 0 degrees, it means he's unable to bend it for an extended period of time -- which is not good. Could be a meniscus repair, which would be a good 3-4 months before he's even walking without a gait. If it was a meniscus trim, then he should be up and moving well within a month's time, but something tells me that's not the case given the brace.OK. Any medical people here with an idea of healing time?
Career could be over. If he can't plant, swivel and push by some arbitrary date then we should give up on him. He might even get MRSA. I mean look at Bo Jackson.